bonus | legends die

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The Fiction Awards are returning! For those that remember, Ghost, won in 2017 a for 'Best Story Plot'. Luciano came close, but ultimately, we fell short.

Nominations will begin Tomorrow, May 4th and end May 20th. You may only nominate ONE book per category. Please remember, if you nominate Luciano, do so under ROMANCE.

Potere, on the other hand, is under ACTION.

I'm stupid and have no idea how to link it, so I'll be tagging the fiction's award account. Find The Fiction Awards 2018 and you'll be in the right place.

VOTING WILL BEGIN SOON AFTER May 20– so make sure to keep the book in your library for rules and such!

Being the generous and loving and beautiful soul that I am – I hope you sensed my sarcasm – I didn't think it would be nice to drop such an author's note without a little treat.


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In the POV of,

F E D E R I C O   D E   S A N T I S

[ October 2016 ; Legends Die ]

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I was born a fighter.

I don't recognize the reflection staring back at me in the mirror. My eyes appear dim, lifeless. I wish I could blame the low, bathroom lighting but I know that isn't the reason. I can no longer use one hand to count my scars, and I'm only referring to those on my chest, not my back. My hands are covered in blood that is not my own, but what I find oddly terrifying is that I've lost all feeling. I don't feel remorse. I don't feel guilt. I can't feel.

I lost the only part of me that made me still feel human.

I am the gatekeeper of an endless war.

Blood of my most recent victim is smeared all over the marble counter of my luxurious, Russian suite. I press my hips against the counter, mesmerized as I let the lukewarm water wash away the crimson. I don't let the blood swirling around the base of the sink distract me from my own cut. My gash is situated right beside my left eye. It's deep, painful, and it's already beginning to swell.

Vincenzo sent me on assignment to Russia for one reason and one reason only: to kill Valentin Rostov. I've been here a week and have already made this suite my second home. I have surveyed Valentin's home in person. I've studied the guard's outside. I know when their shifts change. I know which guard is more lenient when it comes to security. I know exactly where to place their body when I drop them. Via an anonymous hacker, I was able to retrieve the blueprints of Valentin's mansion.

I've memorized every nook, every cranny, every crack in that house.

I'm just waiting for the right night, which I can feel is quickly approaching. To keep my skills sharp as I wait, Vincenzo has been sending me the names of men and women located near my Russian hotel that deserve to be executed. I have ended the lives of every name he's sent my way.

I always do.

Where justice and revenge are dishes best served warm.


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