v | queen of two kings

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a/ n: because of ghost being deleted and un-retrievable, some information stated in their will be re-stated and potentially, different.

disclaimer ; this chapter may not be up to par, I literally wrote it in a day knowing I would be busy all week.

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I'm standing in a room full of shirtless, sweaty, attractive Italian men, yet the only thing I'm focused on are my mouthwatering, chocolate-chip pancakes.  Priorities, Faith, priorities.

Liam stands ahead of me, looking just as delicious as my breakfast.

Dominic stands on his right, their heads bending together in conversation.  Austin and Steven are on Liam's left, their arms folded across their chest as they occasionally send jabs each other's way.  Everyone is focusing on the training session before us, watching with interest as Veleno, along with three of Liam's soldiers, prepare to take each other on.

I can only imagine the pressure Vincenzo's trained assassin is currently under.  These men were trained for quick drops, security, and brief courses in self-defense. What they aren't trained for, is war.  With the threat of the Russians looming, he must prepare them as much as he can for all out bloodshed.  I'm slowly beginning to realize just how different the two types are trained.

Soldiers are taught.  Assassins are tortured.

Veleno stands in the middle of the room, positioned on a cushioning mat with every pair of eyes on him. He's the center of attention, and he looks as comfortable as he could be.  It's only eight in the morning and his black, sleeveless t-shirt is already clinging to his frame.  His face is glistening with sweat, but unlike the others, his breathing remains even.  He runs a hand through his hair, causing it to spike, before addressing the large group of men.

"Fights will never be fair." His voice rises above the soft chatter, silencing everyone but Liam and Dom.  "Always anticipate that your opponent is better than you and always assume they have a weapon."

Someone in the crowd unexpectedly raises their hand.

Veleno stops pacing, but only for a second.  "I don't entertain questions."

The hand is lowered.

Veleno's pacing continues.  "Unlike you all, we aren't trained to anticipate backup.  We operate alone, which is why it's very rare to find an assassin that actually appreciates a partner." His gaze drifts over to Liam and Dom.  I wish I could've seen the soft, inconspicuous smiles they shared.  "We are trained to get out of situations that typical men should not and the only person we are forced to rely on, is our help from above."

Another person raises their hand, but they don't wait to be called on.  "You mean God?"

In response, Veleno snorts, which develops into a full chuckle.  "My mother is a dedicated, Christian woman that attends church every Sunday and prayer-meeting every Wednesday.  To her, God is the help from above." Veleno positions himself in front of the man who poised the question.  "I'm her son, her disappointment.  I don't go to church.  I haven't gone to church since I was thirteen.  I'm paid to kill people.  I enjoy killing people.  The only help from above I acknowledge is a sniper on the roof."

A tense silence washes over the crowd.

"As I was saying," He moves on without skipping a beat.  "We are trained to take out a group of men all on our own." The three volunteers step aside as Veleno rejoins them on the workout mat.  "There's more to it than just throwing punches.  There's a strategy and that's what I'll be teaching you all today."

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