viii | for the rest of eternity

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viii | for the rest of eternity

a/n: this chapter took incredibly long for absolutely no reason at all – actually, school is still kicking my ass but at least it's almost winter break...kind of...I'm reaching.

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Gabriel. His hands are large, his eyes are brown, and he's a cutie. My hand is still in his as he gently shakes it in greeting. Our eyes meet for only a second before he lowers his gaze to his feet, unable to hold eye contact. Pulling his hand from mine, he drags his palm along his pants, trying to scrub away any trace of our hands touching. He doesn't look up long enough to witness the semi-offended look I give him.

"My family has always called me Gabe, even when I told them not to."

"Why?" I wonder, "You don't like it?"

His attention rises to me and he shakes his head. "I don't see why they feel the need to take away the only thing that—" Gabriel's eyes focus in on me as his lips clamp shut, as if he just realized he's spoken more words in that one sentence than any other time tonight. His gaze slowly grows distant and although it appears that he's looking at me, I can tell he's looking through me instead.

I can tell he's thinking and thinking hard. His thick, dark-brown eyebrows press together for a moment as his lips slightly part in thought.

Me speaking draws Gabe back from wherever his thoughts had taken him. "They? Your parents?"

As Gabriel swings his body away from mine, I shift in my seat. Nathaniel has mentioned their parents only a handful of times in conversation, and the majority of those times have never been positive.

With one hand griping the edge of the marble, he raises his right arm and runs the palm of his hand over the buzz style of his haircut. He moves slowly as each and every single strand of his dark hair bristles as his large palm moves over them. A shadow of an emotion that resembles sadness briefly washes over his features; and as quickly as it appears, it's gone.

"Doesn't even let me grow out my hair," Gabe mumbles.

"You know," I rest my elbow on the counter and lean over, using my hand to prop my head up as I stare Gabriel down. It takes a few lengthy, quiet, and awkward seconds before he lifts his eyes to mine. "I'm probably completely out of line when I say this, but I saw the way you let your brother talk to you at our party. And I know your dad is your...well, dad, but it's your life. Live it whatever way you want, and if that means growing your hair out to your waist, then so be it."

Gabe doesn't verbally respond, instead, he pretends to flick long hair over his shoulder.

My smile and eventual laughter cause his own. His chuckle is deep, the exact opposite of mine. His smile is wide and I'm not surprised that his teeth are pretty close to perfect. I do notice the dimple on the right side of his cheek that appears as his smile grows.

Our laughter fades, sending the apartment spiraling into silence. Occasionally, you can hear the wind hit the windows as it picks up and fades in intensity. A couple cars honk in the distance and the sound of an ambulance whisking through the street outside comes and goes. Gabe clears his throat and reaches for his water bottle.

"He causes most of my anxiety and he doesn't even know it."

"Who? Nate?"

Gabriel nods. "He loves people. He loves talking to people and meeting people, and I hate it. He doesn't understand, he can't understand why I would rather lock myself in my room than interact with other people." He spins completely around on the stool, now facing the rest of the still and quiet apartment. His knees shake, and silently, I watch as he rests a palm on them, forcing the movement to stop.

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