Chapter 4

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Ok, well first of all I will try to make this chapter longer but I can't keep any promises. Second, I am putting aside my other books and working on this one if it's okay with you guys.

I know, it's been two days but thanks for waiting! You know, all the votes and reads you give me, the more confident I get because I know you like my books! (By the way, thank you if you do)

At the end of the story maybe I'll add a little section for you all to comment what chapter or scene you like the most.

Now, I'm wasting time writing this. You all probably want to get to the story already so, here you go!


It was a sunny afternoon. The sun was shining big and bright and not a cloud in the sky. Unfortunately, that didn't make Clinton feel any better when his dad finally got him out of the rocks. 

Clinton took a step in the tall bright green grass and instantly bent down to pick a dandelion. A tear slid down Clinton's face when he saw it. That was when he realized he was shaking.

Clinton got to his feet and looked around him. All of his neighbors' houses had chipped roofs and broken windows. Some even had dripping blood on them.

Clinton shivered. He felt guilty for not being able to do anything. He could've at least seen who the man was but of course he had to go unconscious at the time. He somehow got very intrusted in his feet.

Behind him, Clinton could hear footsteps. He felt someone or something tower over him. He turned around to see his father sobbing while looking at the dandelion.

"You know..." His father said choking in between sobs. "That was your mother's favorite plant. She loved going out every Sunday and go picking dandelions from the yard."

 They both shared a giggle.

"So Clint... listen... what did the guy that you saw look like?" His father asked with a concerned face. Clinton sighed.

"I told you I only got a glimpse of him." Clinton said making eye contact with his father. "However, I did see a tall man with... like claws almost... and was wearing black. The last thing I remember was him having HUGE muscles."

Clinton's dad just stared at him emotionless. His tears stopped. He just stood there. Suddenly there was a "Snap!" and his Father's head jolted back as if he was in a trance and just snapped awake. He began blinking countless times and then returned to normal. 

"I remember that son of a bitch!" Clinton's father shook his head. "They call him 'BloodVein'. He's one of the most dangerous villains on the planet. I just had a flashback..." 

Clinton's father was cut off by a rustle in the woods across the street. The two of them stood in shock as a dark figure stepped out of a pile of leaves. "It's time we actually meet. I'm BloodVein."


Well I ended up keeping the promise after all!

And I'm SO sorry but I just think cliffhangers make the chapters more interesting. Do you guys?

I should update tomorrow but if I don't I definitely will Friday.

See y'all!

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