Warnings: None


Kyle's POV:

~After school Monday~

The bell rings, dismissing me from my last class of the day. As I head to my locker, Stan meets up with me. We decided to go get some food after school today since neither of us have any plans, and we haven't hung out on our own in awhile. Stan's my ride to and from school anyway, so might as well make a pit stop.

"Dude, you have no idea how glad I am that I don't have to hang out with Wendy today," Stan says as we make it to my locker. "I don't think I could handle listening to her shit talk her friends after spending the whole damn weekend with her. I don't know how she manages to find out so much information in the small spaces of time we weren't together."

I open my locker, sighing. "If you don't like her so much, why don't you just let her go? You say how much she bothers you all the time, so I don't get why you stick with her."

Now it's his turn to sigh, breaking eye contact with me. "Well, I'm just using her as a cover up, you know? So people actually think I'm able to hold a relationship. It's just a sign so people know I can actually have someone, not that I want them."

He looks back at me, a shine in his eyes that looks like something else, but I can't seem to pinpoint it. "Stan, I don't know why you think that. You could legit have anyone in the school. I'm pretty sure you could even make the guys want you." Just like me.

He laughs, his face lighting up in a smile. "Kyle, why do you always make me feel so much better? Glad I know I'm paying for the right kinda person's food today."

I can feel my face heating up, so I turn away to make it look like I saw something flicker by. As I find something to distract myself, I see a flash of blonde whip by right in front of me. I didn't have time to stop, so I knock into whoever blocked my path. I fall down, landing straight on my ass, and look up to see none other than Kenny himself. "Kenny, what the hell? Why'd you have to go and ruin a perfectly good walking path?" Stan offers me a hand to help me up. Maybe Kenny did this on purpose in my favor.

Kenny gives me a look that says a little more than anger. "How dare you talk to a queen like that? I'll have you know I own every part of this side walk and everything on it." We all laugh as he continues. "And, in fact, I own both your asses."

We continue walking to Stan's car, talking about what happened during the day. "Hey Kenny, you joining us?" Stan asks as we make it to his car.

Kenny looks over the roof. "Where am I getting invited to?" He hops in the back seat as I get in front. Stan closes his door and immediately turns on the heat in the car.

He turns around for a second to look at Kenny. "Kyle and I were gonna stop and get some food since neither of us ate at lunch. Mystery slop is not very appetizing, if you ask me."

Kenny looks like he's thinking it over. "You're paying, right? Because I'm about as broke as Cartman's mentality."

I laugh at that, and Stan gives off a smile. "I mean, I wasn't gonna ask if I wasn't gonna pay for you." He looks forward and starts the car. "If you wanna give up the offer of free food that's on you, dude."

Kenny's face brightens up immediately. "Thanks, I'll take you up on that. Glad you can spare your friends some money from your girlfriend's claws."

Stan's face drops as he turns his focus to getting out of the parking lot. "Let's not talk about her right now. She might hear you, and I don't need her riding my ass again because she thinks I'm out cheating or something." I exchange a glance at Kenny, knowing full well that Stan isn't the one banging other people. After what Kenny told me, I lost a little respect for Wendy.

I turn towards Stan, offering him a sympathy pat on his shoulder. "Dude, it's fine. We get that it's not the best subject to talk about right now." I give Kenny a quick glance. "Instead, why don't we go towards the fact that Cartman hasn't killed Kenny yet for throwing his sad sack down the hallway."

Stan starts to look less sad. "Speaking of which, what even happened? I was at my locker and next thing I know, there's a brown wad getting thrown down the hallway."

Kenny rubs his hands together as prepares to tell the story. "Well, Cartman comes up, being his little bitch self, and he tried to store his lunch in Kyle's locker, but Kyle didn't want to get his stuff all wet since something was clearly leaking from the bag. Anyway, Cartman wasn't acting like a decent human being so I felt it was appropriate to throw it down the hallway. Luckily, he didn't have anything sharp on him so there are no stab wounds in my body currently." Kenny must've been almost out of breath by the end of that, because he takes a giant gulp of air in that seemed a little excessive.

Stan sighs as we pull into the KFC parking lot. "Good thing, or you would probably be dead right about now. Anyway, let's head inside. I could really use a bite."

As we walk out the car and into the restaurant, I fall a little behind so I can talk to Kenny. "Did you notice how sad Stan got when you mentioned Wendy earlier?" I whisper to him. "Do you think something's going on?"

He looks back at me with a semi-pained expression. "I'm not sure," he whispers back. "He might've heard the rumors of Wendy cheating on him."

My mood lessens a little. "Why would he care? It's not like he's happy with her in the first place."

He puts a hand on my shoulder. "To be fair, they have been together awhile, so it's normal for him to feel betrayed a little bit."

I look forward at Stan in front of us. "You're right, I'm just worried about him, you know? You think he'll tell us what's going on?"

"He'll come around to it eventually," he says. "You know it's hard for him to interpret how he's feeling. It makes him uncomfortable."

I sigh. "I know, that's why I haven't tried pushing him on it. I don't want him to get frustrated more than he already is."

Kenny chuckles. "Well, then all we can do is make him feel better until he's comfortable telling us what's going on. You know we'll be the first ones to find out."

"Yeah, you're right. Let's just enjoy time now and maybe he'll tell us later."

Stan turns around and looks at us, stopping in our tracks. "What are you guys being slow for? Let's go." He laughs, looking bright and happy. I'm glad he's feeling better than in the car.

A/N: I realized I'm accidentally adding more words as I continue with each chapter and I really hope I'm not setting myself up for a standard. Anyway, I hope y'all like it. Sorry it took me a month and a half to write, school is in my way.

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