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Kyle's POV:

I watch him from a distance, talking to his girlfriend with boredom and the need to be somewhere else. He doesn't like her, why doesn't he just let her go? What makes him stay with her? I ask him all the time, but all he does is shrug, saying "I'll do it eventually, I just don't want to break her heart too bad. We've been going at it for awhile." Awhile too long. He should've dropped her ages ago, after all the things she's done to him, I'm surprised he can still look at her. I may be exaggerating just a tiny bit, perhaps being that I'm jealous. I'm jealous Wendy gets Stan all to herself. He should be with me, and not her.

In my jealous fit, I don't notice Kenny walk up behind me. "Dude, you're staring again," he whispered.

I turn to look at him, "I can't help it sometimes, I've been with him so much longer, and he went with her. He doesn't even like her."

"You'll get your chance eventually. There's a new rumor going around that I'm guessing hasn't got to Stan yet." He looks over to where they're standing, seeing them laughing at something Wendy said.

I raised an eyebrow. "I haven't heard it yet either, care to enlighten me?"

He looks back at me, "Well, according to unconfirmed sources, Wendy's been talking to some other guy from North Park she met online. Someone said his name was James, but I'm not for sure. Don't go telling Stan since we don't know if it's true."

My jaw dropped. How would a rumor like that start, especially with a specific name, that wouldn't have been caused by something she must've done? "Who did you even hear it from?" I asked.

"Ji-" He was cut off by Cartman running up to us with a brown paper sack in his hands that had something dripping from it.

"Hey, Jew Boy!" He started, "Will you hide this in your locker for me? I can't keep it in mine because I have too much stuff."

Why do we even keep him in our group? All he does is annoy us. "Don't call me that, Fatass! What's even in that sad excuse of a bag anyway?"

Cartman looks from me to the bag, then back up to me. "My lunch, something must've spilled. And I'm not fat you dirty Jew." Kenny took the bag from Cartman and threw it down the hallway. "HEY!" I laughed a little bit.

Kenny looked back at Cartman. "You were being a dick so I thought it would be appropriate to be a dick back." He shrugged.

Cartman look angry. "I would tell you to pay for it, but you don't have any money." He ran down the hallway to go retrieve his lunch and make sure it was okay.

"Why are we still friends with him?" I asked Kenny, closing my locker with all my books in hand.

"Because we both know that he could kill us and get away with it." He deadpanned. We started walking to class, and as we walked passed Stan and Wendy, Stan joined us, waving goodbye to her as he left.

"Why was Cartman angrily walking away from you guys to go get a weird looking bag?" He asked. Kenny informed him of Cartman being his usual dick self, so he wanted to be a dick back. "Oh, don't get him too upset though, I don't feel like dying any time soon." We all laughed at that, reaching the class at the same time.

We sat in our usual spot in the back of the class, catching up on what happened over the weekend. It's the same old stuff, Kenny taking Karen out around town, Stan with Wendy, and me with homework.

Kenny takes a look at both of us. "Hey, maybe we should actually do something this weekend, it's been awhile since we've gotten to hang out with all of us."

Stan looks at me, but I wish he'd do that all the time. "It has been awhile, hasn't it? I'm down for it, Kyle?" He says, staring at me with his beautiful, icy eyes.

"Yeah," I start to say, "What would we do? What were you thinking about?" I look back at Kenny, wondering what's going through his head.

"Hmm, I'll let you guys know before the weekend. I do have a reputation for some great planning skills." I roll my eyes at his obvious exaggeration.

"Yes, with what honor do we owe to have such a fine pleasure," I say, back into my chair. "But for real, make it good. We need a great comeback hangout. And please, for the love of God, do not invite Fatass."

They both laugh. "Your wish is my command, sir." Kenny says. The bell rings, signaling class to start. The teacher walks in late, as per usual, and starts the boring lesson.

Whatever Kenny has up his sleeve for this weekend, it better be good. Maybe he'll help find a way for me to hookup with Stan, who knows?

A/N: I hope you guys liked the first chapter! Please give me feedback so I know if you like it or not. Also, when Kenny threw the bag, I really wanted to say he yote it down the hallway, but I wanted to keep it together. As much as I love memes, I wanted to keep the mood I had going on. For the next chapter, I'll be writing this time frame but in Stan's POV so you know what he's thinking at the time of what happens in this chapter. I might do it like that throughout the whole story, but we'll see.

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