Warnings: None


Stan's POV:

I walk into school, with Kyle by my side. He doesn't have a car, so I offered to be his ride to school every morning. We part ways, waving to each other as he leaves to go to his locker before I stop at mine. I put all my stuff that I don't need inside, and I grab my books for my first few classes.

Just as I was about to close my locker, Wendy strides up to me. I don't know why I'm still with her, I complain about all the time to Kyle. She gets on my nerves, constantly talking shit about the people she calls her friends. "Bebe's such a whore," she'll say, and, "Heidi wears the same pair of jeans all the time. Does she even wash them?" I don't think they know about it. I may not say the nicest things, but at least I'm sticking to one particular person. She gets angry when things don't go her way too. She keeps trying to push me to sleep with her, but I tell her I don't feel ready, and she calls me a pussy. Oh well, at least I know I can get some if I ever want any.

I must've been spacing out, because I didn't realize she was snapping her fingers in my face. "Stan?" She say angrily, "Are you even listening to me? Did you hear what I just said?"

I wasn't going to tell her I was thinking about how big of a bitch she is, especially since she's showing it right now. "I was just spacing out," I say. "I'm sorry, start over."

She sighs. "You do this all the time, what are you even thinking about anyway?" She whips head around. "Are you thinking about other girls?!"

Well, not particularly girls, but at this time, no. I am not thinking about anyone. It's none of her business who I'm thinking about anyway. "No, why do you always assume that? No girl could replace your amazing self." She looks a little unconvinced, but she takes it.

"Aw, you're too sweet. Anymore and I might fall into a sugar coma." I really hope so. We both laugh it off, smiling. "So, are you doing anything this weekend? I was thi-"

I cut her off before she could rope me into another one of her boring things, like visiting her grandma. "I've already got plans with Kyle and Kenny, we haven't hung out together in a while, you know? I've been spending the last few weekends with you and your family."

She looks a little hurt, but covers it up as fast as it came. "I guess that's fair, I have been with you a lot, and maybe we do need some space."

I really hope I can get them to do something. If I don't, she'll find out. I don't know how, but always manages to. "Glad you get it. Kenny's still pla-" I cut myself as I see a brown paper bag flying through the hallway. A few seconds later I see Cartman running to get it. I turn around to look at Kyle and Kenny, both of them laughing, such a great sight to see.

Wendy giggles. "You have a weird bunch of friends." She looks at Cartman walking away, clearly frustrated.

I laugh too. "Ehhhh, Cartman isn't really a friend, but none the less, you're right." Soon I see Kyle and Kenny walking by and I start to join them. "I'll see you around." I wave at her as I leave. I turn to my friends on my side. "Why was Cartman angrily walking away from you guys to go get a weird looking bag?" They both start laughing, looking at each other in amusement.

Kenny is the one who starts to explain. "Well, Cartman was being a huge dick to make up for his lack of one, so I just felt the need to be one back." He shrugs.

The usual, "Oh, don't get him too upset though. I don't feel like dying anytime soon." We all burst out laughing as we make it in our class, heading to our regular place in the back. We start talking about the usual Monday things, what we did over the weekend and how much we hate to be back.

Kenny looks at us like he's sprouted an idea. "Hey, maybe we should actually do something this weekend, it's been awhile since we've gotten to hang out with all of us." He's got a point. We've all been too busy, and I don't think any of us have anything to do this weekend anyway.

"It has been awhile, hasn't it? I'm down for it, Kyle?" I turn to him, hoping he doesn't have anything to do. I really miss hanging out with him, but I've gotta keep my "girlfriend," or at least someone to persuade everyone.

Kyle starts, "Yeah, I'd like too. What would we do? What were you thinking about?" He looks at Kenny expectantly.

Kenny laughs, "Hmm, I'll let you guys know before the weekend. I do have a reputation for some great planning skills."

"Yes, with what honor do we owe to have such a fine pleasure," Kyle says. I like it when he talks like that, his laugh is the best. "But for real, make it good. We need a great comeback hangout. And please, for the love of God, do not invite Fatass." Kenny better not let him come. There's too much aggression between Kyle and Cartman, and the less conflict, the better. Plus, I like Kyle a lot better.

"Your wish is my command, sir." Kenny laughs. Good, that means we won't need to spend as much on food.

The bell rings, signaling us to be quiet so we can "learn" or whatever. We turn our attention to the teacher, though I'm not really listening. I'm thinking about the possibilities that might be presented to me over the weekend. Maybe I'll get my chance.

A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Took a little while, but I got it done. I'm actually kinda excited to see how this story turns out. I wanted to take time on it so it wasn't trash and the grammar was good.

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