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Stan's POV:

As we make our way to KFC, I notice Kenny and Kyle slink back a little. I hear them whispering behind me, and I'm not sure what it's about. I feel a little left out, I thought we told each other everything. I tell them everything-well, for the most part. There's a thing or two I keep to myself, but specifically me.

I turn back to look at them, and they're looking at me already. Fuck, did I do something? Did they find out? "What are you guys being slow for? Let's go." I turn back and smile at them, pretending not to notice they were looking at me. They both run to catch up with me.

Kyle laughs and rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry, dude. I guess Kenny and I aren't as fast nor have long strides." I laugh, playing it off.

We head into KFC, ordering and sitting at a table. We sit at a table that's relatively shaped as a circle, so we all sit evenly away from each other. "So," I start, looking at Kenny, "how's our son doing with his boyfriend, hm? You know Kyle and I are very proud parents, and we're so glad we've raised you to be a respectable young man." Kyle busts out laughing while Kenny starts blushing profusely.

"Yeah," Kyle says, while still giggling, "When will you invite him over for dinner? Your father and I have been dying to meet him." Kenny gives Kyle and I a death look, but starts laughing with us. Kyle then looks at Kenny dead on, "You are using protection, correct?" Kyle and I are practically screeching now, and we're getting a few looks from other people.

Kenny smiles right back at us, but the smile is soon replaced with a serious look. "Guys, we haven't really done anything yet." He looks down for a second, then glares back up at us. "I really like Butters, and I don't wanna screw it up. I don't wanna rush into anything because I don't wanna ruin it." Kyle and I both drop our jaws. This is the first time Kenny's ever taken a relationship seriously. He must really like Butters, and I'm proud of him for trying to be a gentleman.

"Dude, we're proud of you. You must really like him if your waiting." Kyle says, looking at him with an actual proud parent look. Maybe we would be good parents together.

I laugh a little. "Dude, that is the most mom thing you have ever said." He punches me in the arm, really hard actually for being a mom. "Ow, what the hell? I didn't mean for it to sound bad."

He smiles at me. "I know, but I wanted to show you that some moms can throw a punch or two." He laughs it off, looking away.

"Anyway," Kenny starts, "For our sweet plans this weekend, I thought it would be acceptable to go on a camping trip. I know someone that could hook us up with a good spot by a lake not too far from here." He looks back and forth between Kyle and I, wiggling his eyebrows.

"You know someone for every occasion, don't you?" Kyle asks as a worker comes and places our food in our table.

We take a break in the conversation to pass out food and eat. Everyone seemed to enjoy their food, which was good. KFC may not be expensive, but I don't exactly have all the money in the world to be spending on bad food. We finish in no time, basically shoving the food down our throats as we ate.

As we head back out to my car, I notice that Kenny and Kyle fall behind again. The same thing happened as before when we first came, and now they're doing it again. I hear them whispering again, and I can only make out a few words, one of them being my name. I don't know what they're talking about that involves me, but I hope they plan on telling me soon. "Come on, guys!" I turn back to look at them. "The same thing happened on the way in, what's with you guys?"

They stopped talking and look at me. They both look semi-embarrassed, eyes flickering back and forth between each other and me. Kenny rubs his neck, showing a light smile. "Sorry, dude. I was asking Kyle about something from one of our classes. He is the smartest kid at our school." I pretend to believe it, grinning at them. If they were talking about a class, I don't know why I would be involved.

"Oh, alright," I start, "I guess that makes sense." I look forward again, feeling a little betrayed. Why would they need to lie to me? What are they hiding?

We get into my car, and everyone stays quiet. The silence in the car feels awkward, and I can tell everyone is waiting to get out of the car and go home.

I drop Kenny off first, mainly because his house is closer, and I really need to talk to Kyle by myself. He's been acting really strange lately, and I know he's hiding something from me with Kenny.

As I drive down each road, I try to find a way to approach this subject. "So," I start, sighing, "what's been going on with you? You've been acting differently with me, and I wanna know what's up?"

He sighs, seemingly exhausted. "Look, it's nothing to worry about. I guess I'm just stressed about school more than I normally am, and I've been talking to Kenny about it." He turns to look out the window, and he doesn't say anything else. I think he's lying, he normally turns away from the conversation when he is.

"Oh," is all I manage to say. I'm not gonna push him on it, I know he'll just get more frustrated.

I pull into his driveway, and watched him get out of the car. "I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

He smiles at me through the window. "Of course, dumbass. We have school. Thanks for the ride and the food. Bye, Stan." He starts walking off.

"See ya, dude!" I pull out, making my way to my own house. I really don't know what's going on, but I hope Kyle's able to talk to me about it soon. Whatever, I've got my own problems to deal with before I try to fix someone else's.

A/N: I realized I've been progressing this really slowly, and that I've put out 4 chapters over the course of one day. In the future chapters, I'll try to make it a little faster, because for me, it feels slow. I just think the first 4 needed to kinda get people into the mindset of the story. I don't know, we'll see what happens.

Anyway, I hope y'all liked it. Sorry it's been taking me so long to write. I can't really blame anything, I just have a lack of motivation.

~Thanks pals

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