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Kyle's POV:

~Monday Night~

I think Stan is a little suspicious after the whole catastrophe in the car. I know he didn't try to push me to say whatever I was thinking, but I still feel like he knows something's up. I was let really talking in the car either, so I feel bad for not trying to  at least talk to him about anything.

What if he finds out and doesn't wanna talk to me anymore? We've been best friends for years, he wouldn't do that, would he? I push the thought out of my head as I walk out of the bathroom after taking a shower. I throw my dirty clothes on the floor near the hamper, realizing I should do a load soon.

I lie back on my bed and rub my hands over my face, trying to wipe the tiredness from my eyes. I look over on the night stand next to my bed, and see a picture of Stan and I from a few years ago. It's a photo of us my mom took when we went to the water park, right before we went inside. We look so happy in that photo, our eyes crinkled and our teeth showing. It was a relatively fun day, despite almost drowning in pee.

I smile as I remember that day, sitting up so I could look at it better. Just as I go to graze my eyes over the photo again, my mom calls me down for dinner. As I run into her, I try to explain that I just ate with Stan and Kenny, but she makes me sit down at the table anyway. I mean, I guess I understand why. Everyone's always busy, and dinner's the only time that we're all together.

~Small Time Skip~

I head back to my room after dinner, waving everyone a goodnight as we go our own ways throughout the house. I shut my door, turning back to face my room. It seems a little bare sometimes, but only when everything is quiet. It's not something I notice all the time, but when there's nothing to focus on, it tends to hit me all at once.

I head over to my bed, thinking about calling Stan to see if he's a little better from earlier. Just as I pick up my phone, it starts buzzing. Looking at the Caller ID, I see it's Kenny and I answer. "Hey dude, what's up?" I asked, laying back on my bed.

"Dude, he fucking found out." Kenny sounded extremely tense, every word spat horridly out of his mouth. I immediately shoot right back up from laying down, now hunched over my legs. What do you mean he found out? I thought, who found out? Is he talking about Stan finding out I like him? He continued on, "Stan found out about Wendy cheating on him. It's all over every fucking social media platform. How did you not see? I thought for sure you'd be the first one to find out."

"Dude, I left my phone in my room for an hour to go spend time with my family, and this is when shit hits the fan? What are people even saying?" I put Kenny on speaker as I look through people's Facebooks. It's all there, everyone at school seems to be talking about it. "Who's the one who leaked everything?"

I can hear Kenny take a big sigh through the phone. "I think it started with an argument between Wendy and Bebe. Bebe posted a photo of Wendy and the guy she must've even with, and all she said was '2-faced bitch'. Wendy must've done something pretty bad for Bebe to rat her out like that."

I start looking through my timeline, seeing everyone calling Wendy a hoe, and Bebe had put the whole story of the relationship on her Snapchat story. Kenny's right, Wendy must've really fucked up with Bebe. "I wonder what Wendy did to trigger Bebe like this. Have you talked to Stan at all? Is he alright?"

I heard Kenny yell something in the background, but he immediately answers. "Surprisingly, he seems pretty chill with the situation. Might wanna check on him though, you and I both know that Stan falls apart in shit like this. Make sure he isn't doing it again." I stand up, running out of my room in search of my parents.

I see my mom sitting in the sofa reading a book, and she looks up to me as I stampede down the stairs. "Hey Mom, I need to run to Stan's place real quick, is that alright?" She gives me a look, signaling I need to give her more information as to why. "Look, Stan found out Wendy was cheating on him, and I wanna make sure he isn't getting in one of his funks again."

Her face softens, giving me a sympathetic look. "Oh, my, maybe you should head over there. This seems like an emergency. Go ahead, and if anything happens, call me." I nod to her and head out the door, sprinting as soon as I make it out the door. I hope Stan is okay, I don't want him to do something he'll regret.

As I'm running, a thought crosses my mind. I know it's the wrong time, but all that I can think is how she just gave him right to me.

A/N: Sorry this took so long! I wanna blame it on something, but I just had mega writer's block. I would rather you guys have some quality content rather than a bunch of shit I put together. Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter, even if it took a month to pop out.

~Thanks pals

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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