Chapter 10

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Ashton pov: I smiled being greeted by my new manager and her crew. “Hi Mary.” I smiled. She smiled and led me to hair and makeup. “So, for this shoot, love, you’re with these three lovely ladies. Madison, Sydney, Becky and Amy.” I shook their hands and took in their appearances. They were all sitting down ready for makeup. Madison’s hair was black, her tan skin making me jealous. Sydney’s hair was like a sandy brown. Her eyes were brown, but there was noticeable orange in them. Becky had pink hair and glasses, real ones of course. Amy was blonde with short hair. I felt sort of average, nothing special sticking out like each of them had. “Oh goodness, your eyes! They’re beautiful!” Sydney gushed. “Thanks.” I blushed sitting down. Our makeup was not extreme. Our shoot was for Rue 21. I had on black leggings that had white crosses on them. My shirt was a black long sleeved sweater with a white diamond cross in the middle. My hair was curled and my nails were painted. Madison had a peach dress on with her hair pinned behind her head. Becky had a sequin tank top with a dark jean jacket over it. She wore jeans and converse. Her hair was pin straight. Amy wore yoga capris and a hoodie. Tons of pictures were taken. We had to laugh, smile, make a funny face, a bunch of fun stuff. When we finished I was exhausted. A full day of pictures. Walking off set an older woman with brown hair and a huge smile stopped me. “Ashton?” I nodded. “Aw you’re even more beautiful than Harry described! I’m his mum, Anne.” I blushed. If Harry told her to come were going to need a serious talk. “Aw, thank you. Nice to meet you.” I stuck my hand out to shake hers but she brought me into a hug. “Come over for dinner!” She suggested with a smile. It’s not like I could say no so I nodded and got changed. I followed her to her house. They all greeted me nicely. “All Harry does is talk about you, really. Even before you guys were dating he told us all about you.” I felt myself blush. “Good things I hope.” I joked. “Of course! Want some food?” I nodded and went into the kitchen with her, Gemma and Robin. Gemma and Harry don’t look exactly alike, but their dimples and smiles make them similar. We all sat at the dinner table and started eating. “How’s H?” Robin asked. “He’s good. Working really hard for movie stuff though. Premiers tomorrow. Gutted I can’t make it.” Anne smiled. “We’re all going. I’m sure he knows how much you’d love to be there.” I smiled. They offered a movie. “I’m sorry, but I have another super early day tomorrow. I’ve got to get back to the hotel and in bed. Thanks for the lovely dinner though.” The next day I was modeling gorgeous dresses. Our shoot was cut short and I asked to wear my favorite one for the rest of the day. I still had plenty of time to surprise Harry at the premier. “Good luck today!!xxx” I sent smiling. “Thanks bub. I wish you could be here!” I didn’t reply as I was arriving at the premier. I hid my face and found myself in a crowd of people. It wasn’t hard to find Harry as he was one of the tallest people there, his curly head stuck out from everyone else. I made my way over to him and hugged him. “What? Ashton!” He smiled widely hugging me back. “What are you doing here? I thought you had a shoot?” He asked. “I did. We got cut short and I borrowed this dress and my hair was already done so I thought why not go see my lovely boyfriend and his lovely movie.” Harry smiled and intertwined our fingers. “You look gorgeous.” Harry had to let go to do a small interview with Zayn and Louis. Eleanor, Perrie and I stood aside. “Congratulations Perrie! Gonna be Mrs. Malik, yeah?” I said excitedly. She nodded. “Thank you. I’m so happy.” We hugged and talked about how their wedding is going to be and everything. “Your babies should have your eyes, Zayn’s smile, um…” Eleanor trailed off. "It’s a bit early to think about babies, El. We all laughed. We were all whisked away by the boys and walked around. We went in the photo booth together and laughed at the result. “So, how’s it feel movie star?” I asked with a smile. “It feels wonderful. What’s it like dating a movie star?” He joked. “Oh the best.” I giggled and he kissed the back of my hand. “Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight?” He asked. “Yeah I think so.” I smiled. “Well I’m going to say it again. You look gorgeous.” I blushed and thanked him. Then I saw Anne, Robin and Gemma appear. “I thought you couldn’t come!” Anne said hugging me. “Got off super early. I even borrowed this dress.” I laughed. Harry and his family got pictures together and I stayed aside. After their pictures were taken Anne motioned me over. I stood next to Harry and they got pictures of us all. People were called into the theatre so we took our seats. “I’m so excited!” I said to Harry. “Me too. This is amazing.” He rested the back of his hand on my thigh and we held hands. By the end of the movie I had both laughed and cried. “Are you coming to the after party?” Harry asked. “No, I have to get back to Cheshire as soon as possible so I can get back to bed. Only one more day.” I smiled. Harry frowned. “I have to be away from home for three days after you get back. So you won’t see me for four more days.” I pouted. “Seriously? That stinks…well just call me when you can okay?” Harry nodded and leaned in to kiss me. I ended it quicker than I wanted it to be when flashes went off around me. “I love you.” “I love you too, see you then.” I left with a pout. I quickly returned the dress and headed to the hotel.

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