Chapter 19

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Ashton pov: It had even a while since the boys left for meetings and interviews. Someone knocked on the door and I laughed. Must be Harry being an idiot. I opened it with a smile but it dropped once I saw it was two girls. “Um, can I help you?” I asked. “Is Harry here?” They got on their tip toes and tried to peek over my shoulder. “No he’s not…they’re doing meetings and interviews today..” The girl with the pink shirt rolled her eyes. “Are you gonna let us in or not?” She asked. “No I’m not. I’m sorry, but I can’t. I still have to get dinner ready, sorry..” They laughed. “Seriously? What? Are you cheating on him or something?” I gasped. “God, no! I can’t let you in okay?” The girl in a white One Direction shirt lifted her phone and took a picture of me. She announced her words as she tweeted the picture. “Found the lovely @AshtonHoran cheating on Harry. Knew it all along.” Now I was mad. “You can’t do that. Too bad Harry will never believe it. I’m sorry girls but I’ve really got to go. You better too. Security is back from their dinner break any minute. Along with Paul and the rest of the guards and what not. You wouldn’t want to get in trouble.” I politely closed the door in their face as soon as I saw more girls coming down the hall. I locked it and sat against the back of it. My fingers scratched my scalp in frustration. Harsh words were shouted from the girls outside. A piece of paper I was scared to open slid under the door. “You can go die. Harry deserves better than a wh ore like you! Love always, Lucy :).” Was written in sloppy handwriting along with her twitter name. I threw it as far as the weight would and I cried into my hands. I finally made it over to the bed before sobs racked my body. I pulled my knees to my chest and laid on my side wanting the terrible voices to stop. There had to be a massive swarm outside my door. I opened the door with all the energy I had left in me. “Stop! Stop now!” Cameras were all around me. “Record me and change my words all you want. I don’t care anymore! This is immature and if you think you’ll ever get to Harry this way you’re wrong! Hurting people he loves doesn’t make him very happy!” I had to stop and try to control my crying. “He doesn’t even love you!” Someone shouted. “Fine, ask him yourself. I’m sure you’ll stay here long enough!” I closed the door and people continued to shout rude words. I climbed into the bed trying to block the noise out. “Hey!” Someone bellowed. Oh goodness, it’s Harry. I’ve never heard him yell like that before. “What are you doing?” He asked. “Were you speaking to Ashton that way?” I’m assuming they nodded or said yes. “Seriously? I can’t even have a loved one here without having issues. Please I swear if she’s in there crying..” Harry’s voice cracked. “Go away.” He said quietly. He walked inside the hotel room angrily with tears in his eyes. “They were saying that to you?” Harry asked. “Worse. They were banging on the door. Harry where’d security go?” I asked. “Obviously not where they’re suppose to be. I hope they get fired or something. No one should be allowed on this floor but us…” I looked down at my lap. “Come here.” Harry leaned down and cuddled me on the bed. Harry pov: Ashton had cried herself to sleep and I frowned. She must be in so much emotional pain. The things I heard were so awful. I carefully got up and stepped on a crumpled up piece of paper. I opened it and read it. A rude letter from a girl named Lucy. Her twitter name was even on it. I held back on saying something to her and I threw it in the trash. I sat at the small kitchen table and put my hands over my face. Everything is so overwhelming. Why can’t all my fans be nice? Not all of them have to be so awful. One of these days things will get better.

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