Chapter 22

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Ashton pov: I tried to get on my tiptoes and see oncoming planes but I was unsuccessful. I decided on sitting down until I heard the plane be called in. Girls surrounded the entrance and screamed my name now and then. I stood up upon hearing their flight be called in. I couldn’t see anything, though. Why are people so tall? I was up on my tiptoes when the screaming girls screamed even louder. I looked to my right and there were the boys. I locked eyes with Harry and smiled. He looked at the fans then made a b-line toward me. I met him half way and he lifted me from the ground in a bone crushing hug but a sweet kiss. “I missed you so much.” I cried into his shoulder. “I missed you too, sweetheart.” He said into my hair. “Come on, let’s go.” He said smiling. I grabbed his hand and led him to my car. “Your house I’m assuming?” He nodded and I went there. He just threw his bags into the laundry room and stripped from the skinny jeans and plaid shirt. I was now in shorty shorts and a T-shirt. He grabbed my hand then threw me over his shoulder. I squealed and wrapped my arms around him. He gently threw me on the bed and I smiled. He laid next to me and grabbed my left hand. He kissed my hand then smiled tiredly. “Can’t wait to marry you…” He mumbled. I smiled. “Me neither. But right now you need to sleep the tour off.” I kissed his forehead and cuddled up to him. Once I was sure he was asleep I carefully tried to untangle myself from his arms. His grip was massive and there was no way out. I decided to be a little risky and take a picture. I did a pouty face and showed Harry asleep beside me with his arms around me. @Harry_Styles sleeping off tour and I agreed to lay next to him #badidea #imstuck I tweeted and instagramed out smiling at my perfect sleeping boyfriend- fiancé. I figured, why not and wrapped a leg and arm around him too. Girls were freaking out and I smiled. Harry is an angel when he sleeps omg #jealous someone tweeted and I smiled. As a guy directioner I don’t know who to stare at… I laughed at that one. Tell him mum says hi! Can’t wait to see him! We miss you guys! Anne tweeted. We plan on seeing you soon! I miss you toooo :)x I tweeted back. Hours passed and I was waiting for Harry to move. I lightly touched his nose waiting for it to itch and it didn’t work. Something happened and Harry completely shifted letting me free. I stood up and took a picture of his awkward position. So he finally moved. Comfortable @Harry_Styles? I’m freeeeee! I tweeted with a laugh. Hours passed and I became bored. Harry had been asleep for at least five hours now and all I wanted to do was talk to him. As if on cue his morning, well now late afternoon voice rang through my ears. “Ashton, baby?” He called out. “Couch!” Harry, only clad in boxers slowly made his way over to me. I smiled and scooted over. I decided to sit on his lap and he smiled tiredly. “You left me.” He mumbled kissing my cheek. “You slept for five hours.” I laughed returning the favor. “Baby, I missed you so much..” He pulled me into his chest. “I missed you too, trust me.” He felt warm. Sleepy, just woken up Harry is my favorite Harry. He’s warm from being under the covers and his voice is raspier than ever. “Don’t ever leave for that long again..” I almost laughed, knowing I had no choice. “I’ll try my best.” We just sat, hugging for what felt like forever before I spoke up. “So, over the time you were on tour, apparently we broke up four times, I got pregnant, I cheated on you, you cheated on me three times, when I visited I got drunk every night and never spent time with you, um, let’s see, oh, apparently you abused me because.. Remember the day I tripped in the hotel room over my heel and got a bruise on my arm? Apparently you punched me.” I laughed and he smiled. “Well I’m so sorry.” He joked. “Are you hungry?” I asked. He nodded. “Chinese takeout?” He nodded again and I ordered. “Your mum wants us to visit soon.” I said tracing over his tattoos with my fingers. He hummed in response. “This weekend is free. I’ll call her and tell her.” Harry said. Harry pov: The doorbell rang and Ashton stood up. “I got it.” She said. “Oh no you don’t.” She raised an eyebrow at me. “Not with your bum sticking out of your shorts.” I said sternly. She shook her bum and continued to walk to the door with the money in her hand. I rolled my eyes silently praying it was a woman. Since the door was located in the living room I was capable of monitoring everything. I groaned seeing a teenage boy with our food. “Thank you.” She said taking it and turning around to place it on the counter. That action forced her to slightly bend down and give him somewhat of a view of what only I was allowed to see. Ashton winked at me and I knew she was doing it on purpose. She knows that boy is staring at her bum and she doesn’t care. She only cares about agitating me. She stood straight again and handed him the money. She gave a five dollar tip and I rolled my eyes. Since from the inside, you push the door open the boy was the one who would have to close it. She grabbed the food and started walking toward me. The boy, nearly drooling over Ashton still hadn’t closed the door and I was beyond irritated. “Shut the door!” I yelled and he jumped out of his daze and blushed deep red. He closed the door and Ashton stared wide eyed at me. “You’re a tease.” I said. She smiled and handed me my food. “I love you.” She said. “That teenage boy loves your ****.” She laughed loudly and sat next to me. “Yeah, well I loved your jealousy.” She said opening the chopsticks. “I was not jealous.” “Then why’d you yell?” I pursed my lips and she smiled. “He was looking at you.” She laughed and nodded. “Okay.” Okay I’m jealous. I’ll never tell her, even though she already knows. She kissed my jaw and I smiled. Ashton pov: Days passed and I was doing everything in my power to make Harry happy. I’ve been doing his tour laundry for days, cooking for him and cleaning his house while he’s napping from the exhausting tour or just because I feel the need to be nice. “Harry I’m going to-” I started but Harry interrupted me. “Lay down? Sleep?” I raised an eyebrow confused by his suggestion. “No I was going to say I was going to start dinner and I wanted to know what you wanted…” “I want you to sleep.” Clearly confused, Harry went on. “You’ve been working yourself too hard. Its not like I’m the king or something. I’ll finish cleaning, I’ll finish the laundry, I’ll fold it all. I’ll make dinner, all while you sleep. Come on.” He picked me up and carried me into his bedroom. “Come on, out of the jeans.” Harry said. I rolled my eyes and took them off. He gave me a pair of his pajama pants and a jumper. I dressed in those and sat at the end of the bed. Harry grunted and pushed me up the bed. He tucked me in like a child and pushed the hair away from my face. “It’s only a tour, lovely. Sleep. You need it way more than I do right now.” I nodded and he kissed my nose. I pouted when He stood up and I felt bad. I smiled and he laid next to me. “I love you..” I said yawning. Harry laughed. “I love you more.” I shook my head and wrapped my arms around him. “Maybe this time I’ll take a picture of you sleeping.” He joked and I couldn’t help but laugh. “You looked cute.” I defended and he laughed. I kept a good grip around him and fell asleep contently. Harry pov: I stayed with Ashton knowing that if I got up she’d probably wake up. Also she was keeping me pretty warm. My phone rang and I strained to answer it. “Hi mum.” I said into the phone, playing with Ashton’s hair. “Harry, I need to tell you something.” “Go on.” “Grandma Cox, um, she passed away a few minutes ago…” My throat closed. Nothing would come out. “W-what?” I managed to spit out. “Yeah, I’m sorry Haz. Her funeral is this Friday. Ashton is invited too. I know her and Grandma Cox talked often. I’ll speak with you later. I have to do funeral arrangements.” I hung up and stared at the wall. I never even got to say goodbye. I felt a tear find it’s way down my face and I managed to unravel myself from Ashton. I went into the living room and sat on the couch to cry. Unmanly, yes, but who cares. After ten minutes into my little crying session the couch sunk down next to me and Ashton laid her head on my shoulder. “What happened?” She asked. That only made me want to cry harder. She held my hand. “You can talk about it whenever you’re ready.” She said softly. She hugged me and rubbed my back until I was ready to talk. She wiped remaining tears away and sat on my lap. “Now, what happened?” I explained to her what my mum had told me and she frowned. “She was a great woman, baby. Now she’s looking down on you, yeah? Protect you every time you try to walk into the flames or steam blower thing.” I smiled and nodded. “It’ll be okay.” She said and brought me into a tight hug. We hugged for a good couple minutes before she pulled away. “Tea and a movie?” She asked. I nodded. “I’ll go make the tea. You choose a movie.” I nodded and searched for a funny one on Netflix. Hangover 3? Okay. When she came back in with the tea I started the movie. I put my arm around her and let her cuddle up next to me. I noticed the gold color on her toenails and I smiled. She’s so precise on her nails. They have to match and they have to be perfect. She’s a perfectionist and I love her for it. Nothing is ever unorganized with her. “Whoa there!” I said as nakedness flashed across the screen. I covered Ashton’s eyes and she laughed. “Whatever, dad.” She joked and I held her closer. “Not for the innocent eyes.” I laughed and she set her empty cup on the side table. I reached over and did the same. By the end of the movie we had both laughed so hard we cried. “This is so messed up.” She said laughing. “Oh goodness..” She wiped under her eyes and leaned up against me again. I guess today wasn’t as bad as I thought.

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