Chapter! 7

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//I am a terrible person. I feel so bad for leaving you guys hanging for like 123243123 years.

As soon as i got into the car Brendon turns to me and says "So um this might be really weird but I'm going to have to blindfold you now." "Um.... What do you mean?" I ask. "Well (Y/N) it wont be much of a surprise if you know where we are headed so please put this on", he said handing me a blindfold. I put it on and everything is completely black. "Hmmm. So how do i know you arent taking me to my death", i ask. "You don't", he replies with an evil laugh that became normal after about three seconds. 

The car stops and I hear a door open and shut. The door next to me opens. "Hey we are here but you're going to have to trust me cause you still aren't aloud to take off that blindfold", He says. "Okay, I trust you", I say and he pull me out of the car and i hear the car drive off. Brendon puts  his arm around my waist and starts leading me.

"So where are we?" I ask. He chuckles,"Lets just say you've been here before."  That eases my mind a bit knowing that Brendon isn't taking me to an unknown place. I hear a door swing open and soft classical music fills my ears. "Table for two" Brendon says. "Why am I still wearing a blindfold Brendon, can I take it off now?" I ask as Brendon slides off the blindfold and as soon as I adjust my eyes to the light I know exactly where we are. 

"Brendon you remembered?" I said sitting down in my favorite Italian restaurant that I told him about in the coffee shop. "How could I forget. You said that you loved this place, and that you only came here for special occasions so I thought this was the perfect place to bring you." He said.  "What do you mean?" I asked "Well I have a very important question to ask you." "Brendon Boyd Urie if you are about to propose I swear," I said laughing. He chuckled. "No I'm not going to propose but, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) will you please make me a very happy man and be my girlfriend?"

"Brendon Urie, I would love to be your girlfriend".

//Word count 413

I love you guys so much i hope i will have time to update again soon. 

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