Chapter! 8

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After the date Brendon called another uber to come pick us up and take us back to my place.

We got out of the car and Brendon walked me to my front door. "Thank you for a wonderful night Bren." I said. "You are so very welcome," he replied. "So would you like to come in?" I asked. "I would love to" he replied.

I went to unlock the door, but noticed that it already was. All the shades and curtains were shut but the tiniest bit of light was showing through. "Is everything okay?" Brendon asks. "Yeah, but the door is unlocked and I swear I locked it, i always lock it." I told him.

"Well there's no sign of forced entry so they have a key. So who all has a key to your place?" He asks. "Lacy does but she lost it and my ex fiancé does because he claims he lost it." I said. "Woah, ex fiancé?" He asks. "Uh yeah, we were high school sweet hearts but things went down hill since he started a band in high school. Ever since he started the band he stopped coming over to my house and was always busy with band stuff like rehearsing or writing music but we stayed together. I thought that we had a very serious relationship and that this situation he put us in would make us stronger so I went with it. I let him have his band, let him have his guy time with his bandmates and I would spend some more time with lacy. At graduation he proposed and obviously me being stupidly in love, I said yes. A few months went by and no planning had been done for the wedding but his band got signed to a record label and we bought this house. But soon enough his band was about to go on a world tour and I couldn't go because I had to work and go to collage. So of course he waited to tell me he was leaving for the tour 4 days before he left which just so happened to be my birthday, my 19th birthday, which he just so happened to forget about. So I told him that I couldn't be with someone that won't put any effort In a relationship but puts all their effort into music. I know that he loved making music but I wish that he could have made time to be with me and plan the wedding we were going to have, but he didn't and with that he said that music was his everything. So I told him that once you leave for tour don't come back, I'll pay off the rest of the house and once you get a new place You can get the rest of your things. And he packed for tour and went to stay with one of his other bandmates and I never saw him since but he did come by while I was at work to collect his things a year later."

Brendon just looked at me for a good solid minute and then wrapped his arms around me and whispered "I am so sorry that happened to you." Into my ear. "I'm okay bren that was over 4 years ago, I'm fine now," I told him and open the door to see my house fully lit up and my ex fiancé sitting on the sofa with flowers and chocolate in his hands. "(Y/N) why is my ex band mate Ryan Ross sitting on your sofa with chocolate and flowers?" Bren asked. "Um,(y/n) why is Brendon Urie my ex band mate walking you home?" Ryan asked as lacy walks down the stairs looks around and slowly turns around and walks back up.

//word count 637

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