The Meeting

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(Kaito's P.O.V.)

I was excited for the heist at the clock tower. I would be glad that I could protect such an important memory. A shiver ran down my spine as I was preparing my tricks for the heist. Was Akako's warning getting to me? No way.... Can't believe a thing that stupid witch says anyway. Still, I was just a little on edge. It was almost time for the heist to begin.
"Jii, is everything ready?" I asked through my mic.
Jii replied with a yes and the heist begun.

(Shinichi's P.O.V.)

I had heard of the infamous 'Kaitou 1412.' I always heard my dad speaking of him when I was younger. I don't remember much of what he had to say about him. I do remember him singing Kaitou 1412's praises, even though he was a criminal. Which was really weird for my dad. The thing that baffled me the most was the Kaitou 1412's disappearance for so many years, and yet suddenly returning after many years of no activity. I usually don't get involved with criminals who are thieves. My fortè was murders, not theft. This particular thief piqued my interest this time around. There was so much mystery surrounded around just this one thief. I mean, he's internationally wanted for his crimes. And another astonishing thing is that no ones ever caught him! I think today will be that day. I'll corner this rat for what he his, and throw him in prison to atone for his crimes! No one can get out of the grasps of the great detective Kudo Shinichi!
"The heist is about to start!" exclaimed Inspector Megure.
Come here Kaitou 1412, for this will be the last time you commit a crime!

(Kaito's P.O.V.)

The smoke screen went off and I had successfully 'stolen' the hands of the clock. I had successfully disguised myself as a police officer. I had come in and reported my find of Kaitou 1412's gear.
"Tell me your name, age, and birthday," an officer asked me. I recited all the correct information to him. Man, getting past these guys was too easy. It's almost like they want to let me in! Hahahah---
"Just to be sure, what's your driver's license number?" the officer questioned.
"Oh, sure. It's 628605-524810," I recited perfectly. I had everything about this man memorized.
"K-k-KAITOU 1412!!!" the officer exclaimed.
'How did they figure me out?!?!?'
I began running. I was running and running. Every time I almost got away another officer would find me.
'What is this!!!'
Every corner I turned I was pursued. Finally, I got to a vent and climbed in.
'They shouldn't be able to find me here...'
"He's here!" an officer shouted behind me.
'Eeeehhh!!!! You've got to be kidding me!! They just won't give up!'
I got to the end of the vent. I stood up on the ledge and waited for the officers to appear. Once they did I knocked them out cold. I quickly hurried to where the hands of the clock still remained.

(Shinichi's P.O.V.)

While we were in the helicopter I noticed that the clock was swaying.
'What is that?'
"Ah ha! Excuse me, Mr. Pilot, do you think you could bring the helicopter closer to the tower?"

"Um... sure," the pilot responded.

'I've got you now! I've unraveled your trick. Now all I have to do is unveil it to the audience!'

(Kaito's P.O.V.)

I was talking with Nakamori-keibu when the white screen began swaying.
'What on earth???'
Suddenly there were shots. I shot the top of the screen and fell with it. I had accomplished my goal. The tower will stay safe. At any rate, who was it that brought down my every trick? I will find out! For now it's time to head home... I'm so worn out. There was way to much running involved today.

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