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(Kaito's P.O.V.)

I had been looking into every helicopter that had appeared at yesterday's heist. A helicopter had come in from HQ that nobody was expecting. The only two people that were in the copter besides the pilot were Inspector Megure and an amateur high school detective. His name was Kudo Shinichi. I had snuck into police headquarters and taken a quick peek at yesterday's heist report. 'So it was Kudo Shinichi's doing. He caused me to deal with a little bit tighter security than usual, but nothing I couldn't handle. It intrigues me that he was smart enough to keep up with my every move. I think I might just have to meet this 'Shinichi' guy. This ought to be fun...'

(Shinichi's P.O.V.)

For a few hours now it felt like I was being watched. I was most likely just being paranoid considering there's probably plenty of people out to get me. I was just strolling around Beika trying to clear my head. 'That theif yesterday was clever.' I wasn't paying attention when I accidently bumped into someone. They fell over so I must have been walking fast cause I kept my balance and didn't fall. The person I knocked into was wearing a ball cap and a pair of sunglasses. This was coming off as suspisous to me because it was cloudy out today. But once again, I'm probably just being paranoid.

"Are you okay?" I asked, outstreaching my hand to help them up.

The person took my hand and said, "Yes I am. I'm kind of a clumsy person and I wasn't paying attention. Sorry."

"It's fine," I replied. "I'm not injured in any way and you were the one who fell. It was partially my fault as well seeing as I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. And for that I apologize."

"It's quite alright" the man replied as I pulled him up. "Thanks anyway, but I best be on my way."

"How would you like it if I bought you a coffee as apology? I understand if you're busy," I offered the stranger.

"Sure why not? I've got nothing better to do today," the man replied.

"Great. Follow me," I told the man.

*At the cafe*

The stranger I had offered to buy a coffee for sat across from me in a booth. Even though we were inside he still hadn't removed his cap or glasses. That made me even more suspicious of the man.

"I'm sorry but I didn't introduce myself," I tried starting a conversation. "I'm Kudo Shinichi. And you are?"

(Kaito's P.O.V.)

I had been watching this Kudo Shinichi character for a while now. I had my ear piece in listening to whatever I could pick up from the bugs I planted in the Kudo Manor. I could tell he had left so I just decided to go for a stroll. Not after too long someone bumped into me, hard. I fell over and I quickly glance up about to speak my mind when I see who it was that knocked me over. The, Kudo Shinichi. 'Shit, shit, shit. Just keep your poker face on.'

"Are you okay?" Kudo asked me as he outstretched his arm.

I took the offered hand and replied in a slightly altered voice, "Yes I am. I'm kind of a clumsy person and I wasn't paying attention. Sorry." I wasn't at all a clumsy person, but I suppose he can just believe that for now. I tried to come up with an excuse to leave but he invited me to coffee instead. I don't even like coffee, but I accepted anyway which was really stupid on my part considering my current situation.

"I'm sorry but I didn't introduce myself," Kudo started to say "I'm Kudo Shinichi. And you are?"

'I have to think of something and fast.' "Umm..." I began, "I'm Hideki Shin, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Hideki-san. Are you ready to order?" Kudo asked.

"Well," I said glancing at the menu, "I think so."

"Great," Kudo replied. "I'll call the waitress over."

After we ordered Kudo sort of began to invade personal things. Started asking where I was from, what I did for a living, how old I was, just on and on. Everything I replied was made up of course, but he apparently didn't suspect anything.

"Why do you still have that cap and those glasses on?" Kudo questioned. If I'm being honest I had forgotten I was wearing them.

"Oh, these?" I said pointing. "This morning I hated how my hair looked so I just put on this cap and as for the glasses well," I paused. "I dislike the way my eyes look. People always tend to focus on eyes so when they see mine and freak out it upsets me. So finally I just started wearing glasses any time I go out," I made up this big façade.

"Oh," Kudo replied. "Sorry if I upset you with that. I'm just always so on edge."

'Kudo? Always on edge? That seems like almost a joke to me. The great detective of the East? I know he has enemies, but he also has allies. And he's got some pretty good abilities himself.'

Hours of talking passed before Kaito realised he really needed to get home before Aoko began to worry. "Well it was really nice meeting you even if it wasn't under the best of circumstances. I really ought to go now though," I told Kudo.

"Oh, it was nice getting to know you too, Hideki-san. Here's my number by the way," Kudo said extending his hand. "If you ever need me just call that number. And you didn't mention it which is shocking, but I'm a famous detective. Something ever goes wrong just call that number and I'll be there."

"Well thank you, Kudo-san. Have a good evening," I said. "And thanks again for the coffee."

As I was walking home I had to wonder how Kudo had been so nice and trusting of me so quickly. I was really beginning to like this Kudo guy. In more ways than one. I would only hope that I'd get to meet him under the moonlight once again. But little did anyone know, that this would be one of the final times anyone heard from Kudo Shinichi for a long time.

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