Kudo... What?!?

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*A week later*
(Shinichi's P.O.V.)

'It's been three days already since Tropical Land. I've been stuck as Conan for too long already. This whole situation is killing me. We haven't had a single lead on the Men in Black since that day...'

"Conan-kun! Come down here, dinner is ready!" Ran called.

"Coming!" I shouted back. Oh how I hated this little kid voice; getting treated like a kid. Guess that's what I get for sticking my nose where it doesn't belong.

I padded down the stairs and into the office.

"Ooh Yoko-channn~" Old man Kogoro hollered.

"Otosan... I wish you would stop drinking so much," Ran doded her father.

"Oh it's fine, it's fine. It's not like I've had any luck with clients recently," Kogoro retorted.

"Whatever. Just come eat dinner with us," Ran sighed in defeat.

Honestly the next few weeks was just the same routine. The old man finally had cases coming in and out. The thrill of the chase always got me, but it was never the people I wanted. Never the ones I searched and yearned to find.

Finally one day something interesting actually turned up that wasn't a murder case.

"Sonoko's father wants you on the case," Ran explained.

"Ran, I don't have time to deal with this. There's going to be dozens of police there and his own private security team. What does he need me for?" Kogoro complained.

"I don't know, but I have the coded letter," Ran said.

I had been getting ready for bed, but my interest was peaked.

Kogoro began, "April fool... when the moon splits the two, to the so-called Black Star, I will ride the waves and make my appearance," Kogoro paused. "Signed Kaito... the rest is cut off!"

"Sonoko's dad got so angry when he read it that he just ripped it to shreds," Ran explained. "Sonoko tried her best to tape it back together."

I walked over and took it out of Kogoro's hand. What an interesting message. I feel like I've heard the name somewhere before... Oh well. A thief is nothing more than a good for nothing loser. I'll decode this message and track this idiot down. Just you watch.

*Time skip to March 31st, 1:42pm*

Dammit! I could never figure this code out. I stayed up all night and still couldn't come up with anything. Sonoko's dad showed us around and took us to see the infamous Black Star.

"There's really no telling when Kaitou 1412 will come... or where from," Sonoko's dad started.

"The river! The river!" Superintendent Chayaki shouted. "Kaitou 1412 is going to sneak into this museum via the Teimuzu River!"

Kogoro laughed and explained his theory about Yoko and her performance.

'What an utterly stupid deduction. Who on earth would ever believe that?'

"That's brilliant!" Sonoko's father exclaimed.

"But wait..." I tried. But there's no way I could convince them they're wrong. I don't have any clue as to what this guy means.

"Hey let's go get lunch," I heard someone say.

'Wait... maybe... where's the sun at?' I took off towards the window. I pointed my watch towards the sun.

"What're you doing Conan-kun?" Ran asked me.

"I'm using time to figure out the direction," I explained briefly.

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