Coming Out For A Check Up

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*Before the heist*
(Shinichi's P.O.V.)

That damn thief still has me stumped. I still haven't been able to figure out how he got off the roof that night. His letter is simple enough but I won't be able to determine anything until I meet him again.

'I can't believe he's so young. He should really be in his mid to late fourties but he barely looks twenty! His way of thieving has me interested in why this guy started stealing.'

I sat finding myself thinking of nothing but the thief. I don't understand why I'm so enthralled. Maybe it's just the thrill of being able to solve something without someone dying. Cases have come in and out as usual and the old man has been getting a lot of spotlight. I still wait for the case that never comes. I wonder how long I'll be stuck as Conan. Sometimes that thought really gets to me. What if I can never turn back? The thought itself makes me feel sick. I miss being able to actually BE with Ran. Getting to spend time with her as Kudo Shinichi. Not just some kid who she thinks of as a little brother.

I decide I need to get some fresh air and leave the Detective Agency.

"Hah..." I sigh. "I wish I could just find something on those men."

By the time I was four blocks away the sun was setting. I really should head back before Ran gets worried. I turn and begin to head back when I see something out of the corner of my eye. Of course, being the detective that I am I'm going to investigate.

I sneak around the back of a warehouse where I think I saw someone earlier. As I draw closer I can hear voices coming from within the abandoned warehouse.

"Sparrow you can't expect me to believe your lies," a man said menacingly.

"But Snake!" the man replied. "The Boss says the Kaitou Kid is back and stealing gems again."

"That's impossible! We killed Kuroba years ago. We made sure we had every end covered. There's no way it could be the same guy!" the guy called Snake shouted back.

"I'm not the one saying it. The Boss says he'll have us skinned if we don't deal with him quickly," the one called Sparrow said panicked.

"Oh I'll deal with him alright," Snake said menacingly. "The Boss will just have to deal with this Kaitou Kid until I do. Whether he likes it or not."

"But sir he's already..." Sparrow started. He was interrupted by someone in the distance. I couldn't make out what was said, but I watched and listened carefully. I shifted closer to get a better view. I saw a figure approaching and when I finally made them out a shiver went down my spine.

"I'm amazed the Boss even deals with you idiots anymore. Your branch is nothing but useless. Searching for some fantasy gem that most likely doesn't even exist," Gin, one of the Men in Black finished. 'Why is he here? This could be the break I've been looking for!' I inched a little further forward but remained in the shadows. Half of what they had said made no sense to me. A gem? Why are they searching for a gem? And what does Kaitou Kid have to do with all of this?

"I'm leaving this to you two idiots so if you don't get it resolved soon I'll be talking to the Boss about what to do with you," Gin threatened.

"Oh shut it Gin. Like you have any more power than me," Snake retorted. Gin quickly pulled a gun and pointed it at Snake.

"You might want to watch your mouth before I kill you myself," Gin gritted. "I know my place in the syndicate. It's time you learned yours."

"Whatever. Sparrow get in the car, we're leaving," Snake said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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