9. Mother's day

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No ones pov.

Evan smiled as he woke up one this special day, and it was clear to the others that this day was important to him but they didn't know why. Their monsters after all, and still don't know about holidays and special days, they mainly know Christmas, thanks giving, halloween, and birthday's.

They watch as Evan made a basket out of sticks, flowers, and leaves. They watched as he put cards he had wrote in inside the basket and flowers that he had found.

They nodded their head yes when Evan asked to go somewhere that was very special for a few minutes, they all followed clearly confused and curious. Evan rode on Lui's back as the others flew or ran with them in their half monster forms.

Evan told Lui to stop in the middle of the woods which got them even more confused, especially when they only saw a oldish looking stone with dead flowers around it. Evan walked over to the stone and sat his basket down and started moving all the dead flower away. Finally one of the monsters decided to ask the question they've all been waiting for.

Wildcat-"Yo Evan why are we here looking at a old stone for. There's nothing here so why come."

They watched as Evan quietly laughed as he had his head down, in a few minutes he picked it up as he started putting the items out of the basket and onto the stone.

Evan-"I'm so sorry guys for doing this to ya but this day is very special, special enough that ya'll will be meeting someone right now." That had them all looking around and when they spotted no one, some gave Evan a small glare thinking that he was tricking them and making them look like fools.

Lui-"Evan if this is some trick the its really not funny, some of us were busy today." Lui of all monsters had to put his foot down on this one.

Evan-"I'm really sorry Lui and the rest of ya but I'm serious, guys meet my mom." Evan gave them a small smile as he gestured to the stone with his hands.

Delirious-"So your mother is a stone monster? Why don't she just unform and say hi to us? " They all looked even more confused then the all ready are.

Evan-"That's the thing, she can't." He looked down at the grave, knowing that it's hard to talk about this to them, so he continued. "She's not a stone, or a monster, she was a human like me and unfortunately she is dead. She died when I was small and me and my father had barried her here. After some years dad stopped coming but I always took my time to come here and celebrate this day and her birthday. I could only visit her for one year so I might as well make it a good day. And as for today, it is mothers day, a day were we appreciate all our mothers and show them how much they mean to us. I bring mines flowers and cards and tell her what I'm doing sometimes but the other half of what I do, is that I pray to all the other mothers that may or may not have any one to pray them too. To shorten this up I love my mother dearly even if she is passed I want her to know I still care."

After Evan got done speaking he wiped the tears from his face that wouldn't stop falling and looked over at the monsters. See that some had tears in their eyes too as the other half looked down in sorrow of what Evan had just said. So they all started to bring up flowers that they found to the gravestone, as vanoss sat on top of it staring at the flowers as they were being placed down as if she was seeing them as good enough, which made Evan laugh as he watched them do it.

Lui put down a flower that looked lightish brown.

Nogal put down a flower that looked green.

Brock put down a flower that looked yellow.

Marcel put down a flower that looked dark brown.

Delirious put down a flower that looked baby blue.

Wildcat put down a flower that looked pink.

Mini put down a flower that looked orange.

Luke put down a flower that looked blood red.

Ohm put down a flower that looked grey.

Bryce put down a flower that looked purple.

Brian put down a flower that looked dark green.

And lastly Evan put his flowers down as well with all of their colors combined with his cards and got on his knees and prayed for his mother's well being in heaven. The guys stood and watched for any danger as they waited for Evan to finish.

When Evan got done he stood up and walked over to the guys was about to go on Brock's back to fly back to their place when he felt something rub on his back making him turn around, seeing that it was vanoss in her big owl form. She looked at Evan and then her back making Evan understand that he could ride on her back.

He jumped onto vanoss's back as everyone got ready to start heading home, going back to what Evan calls his family now, even though he won't tell them he's use to them and sees them as it maybe even more. And hopes that they'll also see him that way soon. Looking forward to tomorrow, just like his momma told him.

Evan's prayer:

Dear mom(s),
I hope your doing well and that you've found peace with the world above. I will miss you dearly but that doesn't mean I would stop living for you. I'll live on and act that your still with me because I know that is what you'd want, you'd want me to live my life as if you were still here. I'll always be the one to give you gifts and I even got more people who barely know you giving you things, because they care. They'll see you like a mother, not because I say so, but because they had mothers that took care of them as well. And they know what it would feel like if they were in the same situation. All I'm trying to say is, you may be one of a kind to me, but your like billion other moms, loved, liked, beautiful, caring, and most importantly you all are our heros. We will always cherish you all in our hearts and look at the sky above and see that you all are stars looking down on us. Thank you mom(s) and rest in peace.

I am so sorry it took me so long to upload or do anything, I'm having I bit of writers block or whatever you guys call it. I'll try my best to start doing this more and more but I'll mainly start back up again more in about a week cause that's when my school ends and I'll be done with taking big test that I don't want to take. So please hold up a bit more and take this chapter of the book as sacrifice. And i know that mothers day had passed ok? I domt want to hear it, I tried to make it before the day but some crazy stuff and even more studying and taking tests happened and this will be the day it comes out. And wait till the other chapters to come, I might start putting some interesting things on them like fights, smuts, love and lose, deaths, and surprises. But wait till I get my mind settled in about a week okay? Sorry again.

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