Chapter 8 : your ass needs kicking

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Chapter 8: your ass needs kicking

Now I was in my sleeveless black shirt and was wearing a pair of leggings . oh and the whole warehouse was empty apart from Me and the evil b-iatch.

I guess your wondering where everyone is right ? Well everyone is outside with a TV that shows what's happening inside because the will be guns and knives flying.


right now I'm situated on top of the roof with a silencer in my hand .

I mean business .


My plan was taunt and exhaust and then go in for the knock out.

I heard Jake yell "Go" from outside and I took aim shooting at a crate before swiftly jumping and tuck 'n' rolling onto a near by ledge before jumping to the next ledge and shooting .

Whilst doing that I spotted Jude climbing on the second ledge from the bottom . I aimed right next to him and shot.

Okay step one was finished .

Not wanting to know what damage I had I continued to run.

Slipping down the ledge I saw shots whizzing past me but they were so off target which told me he was exhausted .

Step two completed

I ran across the warehouse and started climbing up the ledges.

When I reached the third ledge I hoisted myself upward to be held at gunpoint .

I steadily raised my gun at his head and gave him a small smirk . "why do you even try ? "

Not giving him time to reply I continued whilst taking discrete steps " you always lose Jude you lost at trying to be better than me you lost at becoming the next leader you lost at trying to kill me 2 months although that was a dipshit move to be honest and finally you lost at trying to kill me now"

Right now i had to disarm the gun in his hand. so I tried to punch his stomach but he had seen it coming and grabbed my hand so I did the only thing possible.

I kicked his lower region as hard as possible.

And very long string of curses came out. to sum it up I am a conniving bitch.

Oh well.

It's not like my best friend hadn't called me worse.

Grabbing his gun I tucked it in my holster along with my own.before i started climbing down.

And you are probably thinking why I didn't knock him out now.

Well ....

From past experiences i've learnt banging your head on a metal railing hurts .

A lot .

Like once I was sparing with jack and I apparently banged my head so bad that I couldn't remember who I was for two days straight even though I was told multiple times.

So yeah .

This is a lesson don't kick people into metal railings.

Aite ( I'm such a gangster right)

Well by now I've reached the floor and I'm a bit bored .

Hasn't Jude recovered yet ?

Damn, dudes and there bits.

But I can feel something's not right because I can no longer hear Jude's (when I typed this spellcheck changed it to nudes) groans or see him climbing Down the ledge which scares me slightly.

I'm a bit afraid because Jude's tattoo is a chameleon.

No he can't change his skin

We don't have superpowers .

This ain't Disney channel .

What I mean is that he's as sly and sneaky as a fox.


As I'm about to turn around a sudden force pushes me .


I turn around to see Jude with a gun facing me

( would I be a good person if I stopped here.... probably not )

" Night night bitch "

Well that gives my insight to what he is going to do next.

I dodge to the right but I'm too late as the bullet pierces my skin and enters my shoulder.

"Ahhhhhh you son of a bitch" I yell . my shoulder is aching but now I'm pumped.

Running at him, I pretend to bend down as if I'm going to tackle him. but instead at the last second I bring my leg up and kick him straight in the face.

Take that asshole

As he stumbled backwards I took the chance running or jogging as my head was spinning . I lifted my leg up and violently swung it around , which hit Jude straight in the temple .

And that ladies and dudes that is how you do it .

Walking towards the exit i prepare myself for another 7 fights


Wellll please please please don't kill me as I have been ill a lot

I've been to hospital twice

I've been quite ill

I've only just got on holidays so hopefully that should be more updates soon

I have started a new book called the cool kids please check out the blurb






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