She's back

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Logan's POV

The doctor left and I sit there and wait for her to wake up. Through out the night Colin and Finn keep me company until the Gilmore's and Hayden's join me. I told them exactly what the doctor told me and also what dad worked out about who did it. They are completely shocked and Straub is already on the phone to one of his senior lawyers seeing what they can do to get the women convicted. I pay little attention to it all as I watch the monitors for any changes that may come along with the baby monitor. The night soon becomes morning and there has been no change, I sit there holding her hand and praying she will wake up because I can't be without her.

Everyone else at some point has left the room for coffee or food but I am not leaving until she is awake and I can see those amazing sapphire eyes of hers looking at me.

"Can we get you something Logan?" Richard asks me as they arrive back. I just shake my head and keep watching her and the machines. I just want my wife back is that so much to ask for? I think to myself before I see a cup of coffee put down next to me and I pick up the cup and have a mouthful but then think maybe this will bring her out of her unconscious state. I then carefully move the coffee under her nose hoping the smell wafts up and she wakes up.

Meanwhile in Rory's unconscious mind.

As I walk around the beautiful garden I can't help but feel something is right. I continue to wander but don't find anyone. As I walk around I eventually come across a group of people. I move towards them cautiously until I realise who some of them are and I run towards them.

"Mom!! Dad!!" I yell as I run and they turn around with big smiles on their faces at the sight of me.

"Hey kiddo" dad says embracing me and then I run to mom and hug her.

"Hey sweets" she says while running her hand through my hair.

"Not that we don't love seeing you but what are you doing here?" Dad asks me and I look at him confused.

"Where is here?" I ask him unsure of where I am.

"Well it's like the waiting room to heaven. We can come in and out but we received a call to come down here and we understand why now. This is kind of like limbo and your stuck her until you figure out where you want to be" Mom says to me and I think about what she says and I realise I needed to say something to them.

"I'm so sorry your gone, it's all my fault because I gave you that present" I say to them as I start to cry at the feelings I had repressed.

"Kiddo it's not your fault and it was our time, you have a man that loves you more then anything and is waiting for his wife to wake up so he can breath easy that he will meet his child someday" dad says with a smile and I turn to mom and she nods to me but before I could say anything grandma Trix arrives.

"Lorelai Leigh Huntzberger if you don't go back down there this minute I will do whatever it takes to knock some sense into you. Do you understand me?" She says in her no nonsense tone.

"Yes grandma I will head back now but I miss you all so much especially mom and dad. I need to know I'm doing the right thing" I say to them and they all nod at me in agreement of what I asked. I walk off in another direction and before I know it everything is turning hazy and I become aware of a smell and it makes me sick, so sick that I open my eyes and look for a vomit bag which I see on the table next to me and let the retching begin. I spend the next four minutes retching and coughing, once I finish I put the bag down and rest back to settle my breathing as I lay back I finally notice everyone in the room.

"Hi" I say with a croaky voice.

"Oh god Ace thank god your awake now. Someone get the doctor I want her checked out ASAP" Logan says as I reach out for his hand. He holds onto mine tightly while bringing it up to he's mouth and placing a gentle kiss on my knuckles. I smile at him glad to see him again being that I thought I never would after Shira, Eliza and Susanna. Wait what happened to them? How did I end up in here? Them and many other questions start to run through my head before I remember the baby and my free hand goes down to my tummy and I hope our child is still there. I look up and see Logan smiling at me and I wonder what he is thinking.

"It's still there Ace" he says gently with a smile and I lighten up knowing our baby is ok. Soon the doctor walks in and checks my chart and then the machines I'm hooked up to.

"So Rory how are you feeling?" The doctor asks me.

"Well other then nauseous and hungry I feel alright a little tired but I think that is emotionally not physically" I answer him.

"Well the nausea is quite common in the first trimester and I can organise some food or you would like something to eat?" He says to me and I nod.

"Anything sounds appealing?" He asks

"Fruit salad and yogurt along with some peppermint tea and maybe some whole wheat toast with strawberry jelly please" I say and everyone stares at me.

"What?" I ask looking at them all.

"Since when do you eat that healthily?" Steph asks

"Since that's what the baby is craving and none of them have any real scent so I don't think it should make me more nauseous like the coffee did and the tea will settle anything further" I say by way of explanation. I look around at everyone that is congregated around me.

"I'm alright. We are alright" I say stronger.

"But I could have lost you Ace, we could have lost you both" Logan says while looking at me with loving eyes.

"I understand that but I'm here and we are both fine now I would like to enjoy my breakfast because I am starving and then when the doctor clears me I want to go home to my bed with my husband" I say to them all as I see my breakfast come in and be set in front of me. I sat there enjoying the fresh and healthy meal and the peppermint tea calmed my nausea. Once I finished I moved the table away and looked at everyone sitting in awe.

"What never seen a pregnant women eat food that's good for her?" I ask with a sly smile.

"No love, it's not that. We have just never seen you eat something healthy and we have known you for 4 years" Finn says with a smile.

"Well that's what the baby wants" I say with a pout.

"Well let's see what the doctor thinks now you have eaten" Logan says as grandpa Straub goes to find the doctor while I sit there relaxing while Logan rubs my knuckles.

"So how long was I gone for?" I ask no one in particular.

"You were found just over two days after you were taken if it wasn't for Mitchum you may still be in there" Grandma Emily tells me.

"How so?" I asks and soon Mitchum is explaining to me how he figured out Shira's web of lies. I sit there shocked that my own mother in law could do this to me and her own son.

"It will be fine Ace. We will be fine all of us. We will take care of you and our child" he says with a smile on his face.

"I know you will but what will happen to the three of them?" I ask wondering what they will get for what they did to me. The scars I will have to bear for the rest of my life are testament to the torment they put me through.

"We are going to throw the book at them, but you will need to give a statement of what you can remember to the police so they can have the whole picture" Grandpa Straub says.

"Whatever is needed to keep me and our child safe" I reply as I lay back and wait for what may happen next.

I know it has been a really long time and like on my others stories I apologise and hope that more may come sooner rather then later as always read and review.

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