Chp. 9 | New environment

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(Jimin's pov)
Bambam and Yugyeom parted their ways as we get in class 3-2. We were about to seat randomly with our friends but we noticed our teacher, standing in front of the class, lowering her head in a book. We slowly went to the back of the line of the other students.

"You are late," the teacher said. Y/n and Lisa immediately looked up to the teacher and looked like they were afraid of her. "Yes Miss, we are sorry" they said in unison. I was confused why they were so scared of her.

I nudged Lisa and she said that the teacher was one of the strictest teacher. I quickly nodded understanding the situation.

"Ok so students, I'm going to arrange all of your seats now, keep silent," the teacher, Ms. Jung ordered us. We all kept silence while the teacher looked at each of us like we were some bait.

(Y/n's pov)
"You, go seat there and you, sit there," she demanded Woozi and seulgi. "You, over there and...." She kept telling everyone their seats. And I ended up sitting with Jackson, Lisa with Taeyong and Jimin with Umji.

"Oh and by the way, Jimin please come out and introduce yourself" Ms. Jung suddenly spoke up.

"Uh well I am Jimin, Park Jimin, I moved here from Busan so I am new here in Seoul. Uh please take care of me."

Jimin stuttered half of the time but I still showed him a finger heart. I smiled when I saw him staring at my hand. He then went back to his seat.

We all sat down and she started the lesson. As time went by, I realized Ms. Jung wasn't a bad teacher, she was nice but she did have a straight face. She would crack up some jokes here and there.

I just knew that everyone in the class was surprised and was very awkward but gradually got along.

My seatmate wasn't so bad himself either. I knew Jackson from last year but didn't know much about him.

"Hellooooooo, I'm the wild and sexy Jackson Wang," he introduced himself and took out his hand out. I shook his hand while laughing at his own description,"and I'm y/n."

Jackson let out a pout and said,"You need two descriptions like me," he raised his hand upto his chin. I giggled at his comment. I was about to answer him back but I got cut off when I noticed the Ms. Jung looking at us and fake coughing. We both looked to the front and stopped talking for awhile.

Later in the lesson, we got to know each other better. As I learnt that he was actually chinese but moved to Korea due to his liking of Korea. It was surprising for me since his Korean was very fluent.

As soon as the bell rang, students ran out of the classroom, hoping we won't get homework. But the teacher couldn't care less, she called out my name, "Y/n come here and write the homework on the board and tell everyone to complete it by Wednesday" I nodded as I couldnt argue back.

After writing the homework down on the blackboard, I headed out with Jimin and Lisa, finding Bambam and Yugyeom waiting for us.

We were talking about our new seats on the way to the cafeteria. "Oh my God, do you guys who I am sitting next to? It's Eunha, the one who is the nerd and the try-hard in every subjects!" Bambam complained as he kept making "ughh" sounds.

Yugyeom spat back at him, "Hey don't complain, Yeri sits next to me and keeps on flirting with me, it's disgusting!" We all laughed listening to their sorrows.

"And I sit with Taeyong, he's not bad especially his humming. Oh my God, heaven-like," she squealed as she continued, "I wonder what his signing would sound like..."

Soon we reached the cafeteria and Jimin started talking about his seatmate, Umji. "Well I don't know her well but I can tell she is cute and young, but Seulgi bothers me a lot, she keeps staring at me or something"

Right when Jimin called Umji cute, I felt strange. As if someone attacked me. I was never the jealous type but after seeing Jimin losing his memory and calling the other girls cute saddens me. And the fact he probably got an admirer now. What if he falls for another girl?

I'm not supposed to care about it now, since I'm not his girlfriend right now. But I just can't handle but care him more than ever, to that extent where I feel jealous easily. Will he love me back when he regains his memories?

"Y/n, y/n, helloo??" Yugyeom woke me up from my thoughts, "you are supposed to talk about your seatmate now. "Uh yes, well he is-"

Just then I felt a light pat on my head, "hiiii, y/nnnn!!" I recognized Jackson from that voice and replied back, "Oh hi there, I was about to talk about you"

"Oh really, am I that sexy?" He threw a smirk at me. I shook my head smiling, "I was about to introduce you, idiot." He pouted and looked away.

The others except Lisa were just starting at us, not knowing how to react. Lisa was just gobbling up her food.

"Anyways, I'll go sit with my friends now," he pointed to a table which was just two tables across our table. I nodded as an agreement while he walked away. I looked back at my friends and they were just eating their food.

It was silent until Jimin spoke up, "So that's your seatmate, Jackson."
"Yea..he is a very playful person." I replied back.

"Yea we can tell," Yugyeom giggled.

After we were done with our meal, we walked to our respective classes. Yugyeom and Bambam were whining about how they had to seat with Yeri and Euhna. Jimin, Lisa and I just mocked them while they whined even more.

Soon we reached our classrooms and I went to sit and saw that Jackson was already there. He waved at me while I waved back.

I felt someone staring at me so I looked back.

I saw Jimin looking at me, I didn't know why he was looking at me so I just smiled back.

Then I focused on my seat and took out my necessary items.

(Jimin's pov)
Since the moment I saw Jackson acting very friendly with y/n, some type of anger raised up. I didn't say anything because I didn't know why I felt like that.

Soon we came to our classrooms and I went to my seat, I looked up and saw y/n waving at Jackson. Didn't they just meet? At the cafeteria? Why are they so couple-like? Thoughts ran through my mind.

I didn't notice I was staring at y/n until she smiled. I thought she was going to talk to me or something but she just sat back down..

Why am I feeling this way?

Is this perhaps jealousy?

A/N: WOOHOOOO almost 200 reads.. woah I'm damn surprised. Next time, there might MIGHT be two chapters. One of them MIGHT be a special chapter and the other will be the normal chapters:))))

Ok so this is the 9th chapter of my first fanfiction [Recalling memories~Jimin ff] Please ignore the typos and the grammatical mistakes (I'm not really good in English plus it's not my first language) Hope you liked it:).


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