Chapter One

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"Are you going to the party tonight?" I asked Sammi. She scrunched the right side of her face as she answered.

"Don't know." Her face went back to normal.

I didn't say anything right away, trying to think of what to say that will make her want to go. "The party's said to be said to be the party of the year. They're even letting us 3rd form go!"

That got her to smile. "Only because your boyfriend's captain of the football team." She laughed. "So how's it going with you two anyway?"

"Terrance and I have been going very well lately! He's so kind and sweet. Even to the kids his mates pick on. Oh! Did I tell you what he..." I paused. "Oh no girl. You're not getting away that easily. I won't say another word until I get a straight answer from you."

"Well... You think Stephen will be there?" She asked as we turned the corner.

Around the corner was a circle of people chanting 'fight' over and over again. Sammi and I stopped behind them. I stood on my tip-toes trying to see over the heads of the crowd. Next to me, Sammi is jumping, trying to see as well. I'm considerably taller than she is.

"Can you see anything?" She now gave up on trying to see the fight.

"No, I can't..." That's when I see him. Well, the back of his head anyway. There's no mistaking his light brown hair. "He's the cause of this?" I whispered to myself.

"What'd ya say, mate?"

I ignored her. Now fueled with anger, I marched up to the crowd, their backs to me as they chant, and began shoving people out of the way with my boney elbows. When I finally break through the outer ring, the scene went in slow motion. Terrance was crouched over a younger boy, whom clearly had taken a beating. His nose dripping blood and his left eye looking to be the beginning of a nasty bruise. He was slouched against the lockers, fighting to stay conscious.

Terrance's fist were showering down on the boy, each blow making his eyes shut more as unconsciousness wins. I hear Sammi gasp beside me as she finally made it through.

"Terrance." I hissed as I stomped up to him, fists at my side. He either didn't hear me or didn't care. Before he could muster another swing, I caught his wrist. Thankfully I had enough of an adrenaline rush to hold his wrist back in mid-swing. He turned around swiftly, his face contorted, red with anger. His other hand was in a fist as well. I kept a weary eye on it. The crowd had gone silent. My anger has been chased out by fear, giving no fight, but I held my ground. I couldn't back down now. Terrance would just go back to beating the boy up, who I'm sure is unconscious now. And no one else would be dumb enough to stand up to Terrance.

"How dare you Brandi. You have no right getting between me and this boys business." he said boy with a decline in his voice, showing how little worth the boys life was to him.

I stood there, motionless. This was the first time I've seen Terrance like this in four months. He'd promised me that he would quit. Apparently, that promise means little to him now. I was speechless. Words were a foreign concept to me. He snarled as he shook his wrist free. It didn't take much effort to do so. Terrance turned back to the boy, picking him up by the collar. The boy moaned, wakened by the rushing pain of being moved.

"Break it up guys!" A voice boomed from behind. The owner of the voice shoved his way pass me in a mad rush to get to Terrance. Two more teachers pressed pass me to get to the boy. The first hauled Terrance off by the collar. He was twice the size of Terrance. The last two now kneeled by the boy. The crowd had cleared up fast, since the fight was now over, but Sammi and I stayed behind.

The two teachers whispered in hushed tones about the boys conditioned I didn't know the teachers, but I recognized them. The tall blonde taught history while the brunette taught some sort psychology class.

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