Chapter Seven

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I wake up to a text message. Groggily, I roll over and realize it's Liam. I bolt upright realizing I had fallen asleep on him. Memories of last night flood my head. After Liam had left, Sammi tried to get me to text him, but I kept telling her no. I didn't want to be forward and text right away. I was going to wait until the next day. She, of course, didn't agree and stole my phone. After chasing her around the house, I finally got it back as it vibrated, indicating I had a message. I looked at it and Liam's name shined back at me. Sammi was laughing as I rolled my eyes and began the short conversation that was interrupted when I fell asleep.

I felt bad that I had fallen asleep and replied, apologizing for it before getting up and going to the bathroom. Leaving my phone on the bed.

When I got out, I realized my phone was gone. I looked at Sam's bed and she too was gone. Sighing, I went downstairs to find my phone on the table. Sam was digging through the fridge. She shut the door and went to get a cup, and poured milk into it.

"Want some?" She asked, taking a drink.

"Yeah. Why'd you take my phone?" I asked picking it up and reading the last message from Liam. He was assuring me it was fine that I fell asleep. I smiled.

"I don't know. I saw it there so I grabbed it. I didn't look through it. I promise." She handed me my glass of milk. "I was going to hide it, but thought better of it, I guess."

"I know you didn't read it. I wouldn't have minded if you did." I took a drink.

My phone buzzed again with a message from Liam.

You busy tonight?

I replied,

Yeah, why.

I guess I was smiling because Sammi asked what he said.

"He asked if I was busy." I said nonchalantly.

She got all wide eyed. "He did? You said you weren't right?"

"Of course not! We had plans to go shopping tonight."

"So? Text him back saying your plans are canceled!"

"I couldn't do that to you."

"Well, I don't want to go tonight anyway. I don't feel like shopping. Our plans are canceled, you are free." She smiled.

"Are you sure Sam?"

"Yes! Now tell him before he makes plans."

I texted him and Sam smiled over her cup. "When is he picking you up?"

"I don't know. He hasnt..." My phone vibrated again. I looked at it, and texted a quick reply. "Eight."

"Perfect! Get ready! We're going shopping!" She said running to her room.

I followed. "I thought you didn't want to!"

"Yeah, well I do now. And he won't be here until eight, we have time! We're going to get you a cute outfit for tonight!"

By the time I got to her room she was buttoning her jean shorts and digging through a pile of shirts.

"That was fast." I said as I went to my closet and looked through the clothes. I grabbed a pair of shorts and my superman shirt and threw my hair into a pony tail.

"Ready?" I hear Sam's voice chimed.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I reply sarcastically.

She laughs and runs down the stairs. I follow, becoming a little excited about going tonight.

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