We walked up the driveway to the house the party's at holding our stomachs, the music shaking the shutters on the house.
There were two guys in jeans and nice shirts standing on either side of the door. They were talking quietly. The two men quick talking as they watched us walk up the steps. They were talking quietly. The two men quick talking as they watched us walk up the steps. One was a tall muscular blonde and the other a short, slender built red head. The red head smiled, his teeth contrast against his dark shirt."And who might you be, love?" His voice was raspy and already had the smell of beer on his breath. The music coming from the house made it hard to hear him.I stole a short glance at Sam, not sure who he was speaking to. She smiled, her teeth not as contrast as his.
"I'm Sam. My mate's Brandi." She looked at the tall blonde, who was grinning. "Hey Stephan. Hope to see you inside." She said as she slipped between them and into the party.
I stifled a laugh as I followed her into the party, the music blaring.
Inside, neon lights flashed in correspondence with Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back. The DJ at the front of the room had his headphones wrapped around his neck as he flirted with two blondes. The room was sunk in, creating the perfect dance floor.
I spotted the back of Terrance's head across the room. As I was about to go by him, Sam dragged me to the dance floor. "Come on! I love dancing!"
I let Sam drag me to the dance floor, where the mob of bodies moved together. The floor was slightly slippery from the combination of sweat and booze. The ideal dance floor. The smell of vomit emanated from someone we walked past. When did this party start? Two girls were at the center of the floor. Their hand gestures and body language hinted it was a blowout between the two. The fight transformed into a dance battle. It was a rather short one since neither could dance well.
"That was a let down." Sam yelled over the music. I just nodded, trying to find Terrance. Sam smacked my arm as she yelled 'Hey!'
"Ouch! That hurt!" I lied.
"Sorry, I just had the perfect idea! We should pretend to get into an argument then have a dance off! We could make it last and be actually interesting!!" Her face showed her enthusiasm she had. Even though that sounded like fun, I really needed to find Terrance. I wanted to make sure he didn't get into too much trouble and to apologize for today. But Sam's eyes were staring me down, overflowing with anticipation of my answer. I smiled. I was going to enjoy this.
I shoved Sam back, winking at her so she knew my answer. She toppled back, smacking people with her flailing hands. She caught her balance soon after, and came right up to me. I found it funny that she was trying to be all tough, but she had to look up at me. I pushed the thought out of my head so I wouldn't smirk.
"You got a problem sista?" Since when did she say 'sista'?
I stood straight, looking down at her. "You were in my way squirt!" Oops, should have used a different word choice. She hates that word.
Pure anger flashed over her face. "Watch it." Her nostrils flared. Okay, so I either made her really mad or she's a good actress. She pushed people put of the way. "And being a squirt.." She paused as she did a sweet dance spin. "I can out dance a giant."
The crowd gave us room as they waited for the battle to begin. There was a slight pause of silence as the song changed. Girlfriend, by Avra Lavine. I started with my best impression of Michael Jackson, throwing in a moon walk with some pazaz and passing it off to Sam with a one, two, three flick.
Sam laughed. "That's all? Come on. You can do better than that." Sam responded with her best usher moves followed with a hip pop and brushing off the imaginary dirt off her shoulders, sending it back to me. As I answered by twisting into a J-Lo the music abruptly ended. There was a combined groan followed by a loud, high-pitched screech coming from the DJ.

FanfictionBrandi is an exchange student from America to Wolverhampton. She lives with Sammi and her mother and goes to the same school as Liam Payne. Brandi doesn't even know he exists until she stands up for him when he is being bullied, but does it end ther...