Chapter Six

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  • Dedicated to Nathan Smith

His face was quite red and I began to wonder how much he had heard. I made a quick decision to act as if it never happened. Brushing myself off, I stood up quickly and leaned against the door.

"What's up?" I try to act casual but my voice decides differently and comes out squeaky and winded.

"You just, uh, dropped your phone." He handed me the small object he had in his hands. "I noticed it on my way home and didn't want you to worry."

Instinctively, I reached for my pocket to notice that my phone was indeed gone. "Thanks Liam! And..." I pause, not really remembering what it was that I had wanted to say. I take the phone from his hand.

"No problem." He smiled and turned to leave. Sammi nudged me hard.

I let out a silent 'ow' and cleared my throat. "Would you like to stay and hang here with us for a bit?"

He just stopped and stared at me for awhile before replying. "I uh, don't want to intrude or anything."

"You won't. I promise." Sammi smiles. "Oh I'm Sammi by the way."

He looked at her. "I know you. I've been going to the same school as you for quite some time."

Sammi looked hurt. "I know, but I wasn't sure if you knew who I was." They just stared at each other, neither giving any hint of talking.

"So." I interupt their eye staring contest. "You wanna stay?"

"As long as I'm not being an annoyance."

I smiled at him. "Of course not." I let him inside and shut the door.

He stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do. Sammi and I exchanged glances.

"Well, we were just making lava cakes." Sammi began.

"I can tell." He pointed to my hair. "There's still powder and something else in her hair."

Sammi laughed. "Yeah, that would be egg."

His face cringed before laughing. His laugh was quiet and almost musical. I kind of liked it.

Sammi walked into the kitchen. "Well that was the last of the mix for lava cake. How bout we make cookies?" She chimed as she dug through the covers, pulling out ingredients. She went to the fridge for the eggs and paused. "We only have one egg left and it's too late to ask the neighbors." She shut the door holding the egg cartoon in her left hand.

"Well, I'll just run to the filling station and buy some more." I said, grabbing my coat from one of the chairs.

Sammi and Liam both yelled, "no!" and glanced at each other awkwardly. Sammi gave Liam a weird look.

"I didn't want her ru..." He began.

"Running into trouble." I quickly finished before he said anything about the robber from last night.

Sammi looked at me, her eyebrow raised. "Okay then. I just didn't want to walking around here at night. You don't know these streets like I do." She winked at me as she brushed between Liam and I.

I gave her a dirty look knowing full well what she is doing. "Well that looks like the best idea."

She smiled, putting her jacket on. "It is!" She put her phone in her pocket. "I have my phone if you want me to pick anything else up. Have fun you two! Be back soon." She walked out the door and with one last smile, shut it behind her.

I glanced at Liam and pulled out my phone sending Sammi a quick text.

Theres more eggs in the fridge aren't there?

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