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Dallon and Brendon living together hadn't been as awkward as they thought it would be. They had become friends fast, and done all the things normal roommates would do. Brendon had gotten a job at a local grocery store, and he helped Dallon pay for rent, food and the like. Brendon still went out partying sometimes, and Dallon stayed in. He didn't mind, he'd just stay and watch a movie or cry or do something productive. He worked at a music store, which was great because of his passion for playing bass.

One Saturday night, Brendon came back a lot earlier than expected from hanging out with some friends at a bar. Dallon got up, knowing he'd be super drunk, to help him. He stopped at the upset look on Brendon's face.

"What's wrong Bren?" he asked. Brendon looked like he was fighting back tears.

"My friends, they found something out about me, and they... they..." he trailed off. "Just look." He lifted up his shirt to reveal bruises all over his ribs. Dallon gasped.

"They hurt you?" he asked, his voice trembling. "Brendon, why?"

Brendon looked down.

"They just learned something about me that I don't usually tell people, okay?"

"Can you tell me? Please? I just want to know why they'd do something like that." Dallon questioned.

"I give up. I'm gonna tell you, but you'll kick me out." Brendon sighed. "I'm gay."

Dallon opened his mouth and closed it, his heart fluttering nervously. Brendon looked down and started to walk away, mumbling about going to pack.

"No, wait!" Dallon grabbed Brendon's sleeve. "Brendon, I-I'm gay too."

"Really?" Brendon stopped trying to escape from Dallon's clutch. Dallon nodded. Brendon's eyes looked hopeful, he had finally found someone who didn't hate him for who he was. He wrapped Dallon in a hug, muttering a 'thank you'. Dallon hugged back, smiling. It was like everything was falling into place. They broke apart from the hug.

"Do you want to go to the police?" Dallon asked. Brendon shook his head.

"I'm gonna get some sleep. Night," he whispered to Dallon. He walked away, leaving Dallon staring after him, lovestruck. He wanted to believe that it was just a dumb crush, but in the back his head he knew: he had fallen for Brendon. Hard.


The next day, Dallon confided in his other best friend Awsten, who worked at Wentz Music with him. He knew about Dallon being gay, although he was straight himself. While on their lunch break, Dallon decided to ask for advice.

"So," he began, "I've got this problem and I kind of need help."

And then he told Awsten everything. The whole story. He found he was adding unnecessary details, like describing Brendon's smile, and his eyes, his damn eyes. Awsten was a really understanding person, so he could definitely help.

"You like him. Ask him out." Awsten said this so confidently that Dallon was surprised.

"Are you sure? I mean he's probably gonna say no because I'm sure he just considers me a friend and I really don't want to ruin the good relationship he has now because what if he feels too awkward to stay at my place anymore then he wont have anywhere to go and it'll all be my fa-"

"Stop worrying! Tell him that he can still stay of course even if he wants to remain friends, but I'm 99% sure he'll say yes anyway."

Dallon smiled and thanked Awsten as they both stood up and returned to working.

A few hours later on his drive home, Dallon made his decision: he was definitely going to ask Brendon out. He wanted to so badly that he ignored his doubts the best he could and pretended like he was completely sure.

When he got home, he found Brendon in the kitchen eating cereal while scrolling through Instagram or something. He stepped over to him and tapped on his shoulder. Instantly Brendon's face broke into a wide cheerio-filled smile that made him drop some cereal into his lap. He swallowed the cereal and grinned at Dallon, who gave a small smile back.

"Hi! Ohmygodtherewasthisdudetodayandhewaslikeyoiknowaboutmusicandiwasreallyconfusedandthenhewasalllikeyothisisabookstoreitsnotamusicstore" Brendon said without stopping for breath, evidently thinking that this happened to be the funniest thing in the world. "He was like, SO drunk!" he said in between laughs. Dallon smiled, Brendon was the most adorable person ever.

"So, I, um, have a question for you..." Dallon said, worried. Brendon made a 'go on' movement with his spoon-occupied hand and then scooped up some more cereal. Dallon took a deep breath.

"Uhhhh wouldyouliketogooutwithmelikeonadate?" The words fell out rushed and jumbled.

"No." Brendon said simply.


a/n: hey i didn't update for a while but are any of you seeing panic! on the PFTW tour? im seein them aug 11 in vancouver, my birthday!!

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