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Brendon and Dallon walked into the cafe, still holding hands. They knew it was gay-friendly, because the owner was gay, who Brendon knew from a friend of a friend, and explained this to Dallon on the drive there.

They took a table in a back corner, with a potted tree-plant (Dallon really didn't know which) slightly hanging over them. Right away, a waiter with a notepad and a fedora perched on top of his head (the notepad was not on top of his head). He brushed his reddish-brown hair out of his face and, with a prize winning smile, said

"Hi! I'm Patrick, and I'll be your server. What can I get you two?"

Dallon ordered a black coffee and a salad. Brendon ordered a latte and a croissant. Patrick took their orders and walked away, still very cheerful.

Dallon and Brendon locked eyes. Brendon's deep brown eyes like chocolate pierced Dallon's blue ones. Or like coffee. Dallon's black coffee landed in front of him, the liquid almost spilling over the edges but eventually settling. Brendon received his latte, too. Patrick winked, informed them that their food would be there in 'just a sec'. After he received thanks, he walked off to take another table's orders.

"Yes! I'm so fucking thirsty!" Brendon exclaimed. He was so excited. So cute. Like a little kid. Dallon put one fist under his chin, propping it up as he stirred his coffee with the other hand. Brendon noisily slurped his drink. He had some foam on his upper lip when he stopped drinking. Without thinking, Dallon reached over with his coffee-stirring hand and wiped it off, and then licked it off his finger. Brendon gasped a little bit, wide eyed, and then laughed.

"Sorry, had to." Dallon mumbled.

"You're cute," Brendon said.

"I'm... cute?" Dallon asked, looking up to meet Brendon's eyes.  Brendon nodded.

"Mhm, 'course you are," Brendon said. "You're adorable!"

Dallon tried to contain the blush spreading across his cheeks. The feeling is mutual, he thought. Suddenly he felt lips on his own, but they were gone just as quickly as they came. Brendon had pecked him on the mouth again. This time he could do nothing about the blush on his cheeks, he could feel them heated and could tell that he was bright red. He smiled wide.

"This is so nice," he said, getting a burst of confidence and reaching across the table to grab Brendon's unoccupied hand. Brendon looked at their joined hands and gave Dallon's a squeeze.

Brendon's croissant and Dallon's salad landed in front of them. Brendon dug in right away, eating fast even though his meal wasn't very big. Dallon poked at his salad. He didn't really want to eat that much.

There was a jingle as somebody walked into the door. He caught Dallon's eye. He had a mop of messy brown curls on his head, and was stumbling a bit. Looked like he was drunk. He made his way to a table that was across the cafe from where Brendon and Dallon were sitting.

The man looked over at them. Rage came across his face as he noticed one of them. Dallon had no idea who he was, so it must have been Brendon. He pushed his chair out from his table and walked over to Brendon and Dallon's.

"What the fuck?" He asked, looking between the two men that were seated. Brendon looked up at him with fear in his eyes. So he did know who this creep was.

"Ryan- I-" Brendon started saying.

"So you break up with me and not even a month later you're on a date with... him?" The man, who now had a name, spat in Brendon's direction.

"It's not... h-he's nice! It's d-different, you gotta hear me ou-" Brendon stammered. Dallon looked at Brendon, then at Ryan. Brendon. Ryan. Brendon. Ryan. So that's who he was. An ex?

"You said you loved me! Now I know you were lying!" His voice broke. The change in mood confused Dallon. This guy clearly did not react well to alchohol.

"Is there a problem?" Patrick walked over to the table, saving them all. Brendon appeared to be shaking. Dallon was speechless. Ryan took a swig of a flask he pulled out of his pocket.

"Yeah, actually-" Dallon started to say.

"Shut up, you tall idiot. There's nothing going on here." Ryan smiled sweetly at Patrick, who looked at Brendon, an eyebrow raised. Slowly Brendon shook his head, with a look that said help.

"I think there is. You need to leave or we can call the cops to make you leave." Patrick said, glaring at Ryan.

"Fuck you! I can talk to my boyfriend if I want!" He barked.

"He-He's not your boyfriend. He's... mine." A small voice said. Everyone looked at Dallon. Brendon looked at little surprised but  thankful.

Ryan scoffed.

"You wish. You don't love him, Brendon. You love me! Right?" He yelled.

Brendon looked nervous as both Ryan and Dallon stared at him in the same way. Expectant. Waiting for an answer.

"I... Ryan... you have to- you have... to leave." Brendon stuttered, switching the subject.

"Yeah." Patrick stepped in. "I told you, if you don't get out of here I'll call the police!"

"I'm not leaving until he does!" Ryan said angrily, pointing at Dallon.

"He's not causing any problems. That's you. Get out. Now." Patrick didn't look sweet anymore, he looked angry.

Ryan gave Dallon the finger and stormed out the door. Dallon let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"I'm sorry you guys, that shouldn't have happened. You can have your meal on the house this time because of that." Patrick said, with a shrug and a sad smile.

"Thank you so much Patrick." Brendon said, still pale and shaking a bit. "I'm Brendon, by the way."

"I'm Dallon," Dallon added.

"Nice to meet you two. I'll see you around," Patrick said, as Dallon put a $20 on the table. It was more then their food had originally cost, but Patrick more than deserved a big tip. Brendon and Dallon waved as they walked out the door, still holding hands.

Dallon noticed Brendon's grip on his was no longer gentle, but firm, like he was scared Dallon would float away if he didn't hold on tight.


a/n: sorry for making ryan mean, i just needed someone to be the ex and well, ryan. maybe he can redeem himself ;)

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