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Dallon didn't take the car. He threw on a sweater and walked outside, the cool breeze ruffling his hair. He didn't have any idea where to go, he was just walking around meaninglessly looking for somewhere to stop. Then he remembered a flower shop right around the corner. Would Brendon like flowers? He was very concerned about his dilemma that was Brendon loving or hating flowers. He entered the shop, a bell above the door made a soft jingle. The shop emitted a nice aroma, different smells of flowers mixing into a scent that some would call 'too strong', but Dallon liked it. The brown shelves were lined with pots filled with all different colours of flowers. Dallon had taken a liking to yellow ones, he just thought they were pretty without being over the top.

He grabbed some carnations and walked over to the cashier to pay.

"For your girlfriend?" The young lady at the counter asked as she tied a purple ribbon around the flowers in a neat bow. Dallon chuckled softly.

"Something like that," He mumbled. He took the flowers and thanked the lady. As he walked out of the shop, his phone went off, playing an Elvis Costello song. Brendon's name flashed on the screen, so of course Dallon picked up immediately.

"Hey," he said, smiling.

"Hi." Brendon said. "Quick question unrelated to any events occuring in the next hour, but does my hair look better parted, like, to the left, or to the right?" he asked. Dallon couldn't contain the huge grin that spread across his face. He didn't care. Brendon was Brendon. He'd love it not matter how he had his hair.

"Either way is fine," he responded.

"That doesn't help!" Brendon whined. "I still can't make a decision!"

"Fine. Right is good." Dallon said.

"Mine or yours?"

"Yours. Oh by the way, I'm on my way home now. I'll see you in a bit."

"Okay, bye." Brendon quietly spoke the words, his voice sounding both excited and nervous.


Dallon arrived at home and unlocked the door, holding the flowers behind his back. He tried to keep the plastic they were wrapped in from making a crunching noise but failed miserably.

"Brendon?" he called out gently. No reply. He walked into the kitchen and, seeing no one there, moved onto the living room. It too was deserted. Finally he checked his bedroom. No one was there, either.

Suddenly someone burst out of the closet, screaming "boo!". Brendon tackled Dallon and the latter got out of the way just in time for Brendon to crash face-first into the bed.

"HOLY MOTHER OF FUC- oh!" Dallon yelled, surprised at his own voice. He looked down at Brendon laying spread-eagled on the bed, laughing his head off. Dallon sat down beside him, not amused.

"I almost died!" he said over dramatically. Brendon looked up and smiled.

"Sorry not sorry!"

"How- how long have you been in there for?" he asked Brendon.

"Like, uh, half an hour or so," the younger man replied. "I really gotta pee now." Dallon laughed.

"These are for you," he said shyly, pulling out the flowers from behind his back. "I wasn't sure if you'd like them, and I- uh, just thought they looked nice and it's ok if you don't want them..." he trailed off, looking at his feet as Brendon took the flowers from his outstretched hand.

"I-" Brendon said. "These- I- yellow- my favourite-" he couldn't get a full sentence out. His eyes were beautiful. Dallon wanted to kiss him. He had to. But Brendon wouldn't want that, of course not it's too soon why would h-

Dallon's thoughts were cut off by Brendon's soft, big lips pressed against his. Stars exploded in his brain, this was it, this was love, and it was over. Just a little simple kiss, but Dallon was in a daze, it was amazing.

"Thank you," Brendon whispered, his face just inches from Dallon's. "Should we get going?"

"Yeah- I mean, yes, sure, let's, yeah, do that," Dallon couldn't really make a sentence, but he assumed Brendon got it.

Brendon walked to the bathroom and dumped the two toothbrushes out of the cup where they were held. Their toothbrushes. Together. Because they lived. Together. Dallon smiled looking at them and jogged to catch up to Brendon, who had already made it to the kitchen.

Brendon filled the cup with water, and put the flowers inside it, setting it on the kitchen table. It looked cute.

Brendon grabbed Dallons hand, and Dallon watched their hands, loving the feeling of Brendons perfect hand holding his. Brendon lead Dallon to the door, kissing him on the cheek and opening the door. And they walked, hand in hand, out to the car.


a/n: heyo i have not updated in like 3 months whoops. but i've gone on like four week long trips ahh. i went to florida and edmonton and a REALLY nice island where my grandma lives and then to my panic! concert!! it was so good and my birthday was awesome. i'm in idaho rn for racing vroom vroom but i'll write more while i'm here

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