♥ First Time ♥ Part One [Taylor Imagine for @Emma_mast go follow her!]

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Emma's *POV*

Today I had to wake up at 8:30am. The reason I had to get up so early was because the boys were coming over ti mine and Taylors shared house for the first time. Ive never met the boys so this was a pretty big deal to me. I know how much they mean to Taylor so I want to make a good first impression. It would be horrible for Taylor if me and the guys didnt get along.

I dragged myself out of bed knowing I had no choice. The boys will be here around 10:45am that gives me plenty of time to get ready, eat and clean up the house a little. I decided to let Taylor sleep in a little longer seen as we had a tiring night last night!

I went to the bathroom first and started to get ready. First I showered, brushed my teeth, washed my face and all that stuff. Then I applied light Make-up beacause we werent going anywhere today but I still wanted to look nice. I only but on some BB cream, Blush, light eyeliner, Mascara and some lipgloss.

I then went back into our room to get dressed, but when I walked in I heard Taylor moan "Emma, Emma...," in his sleep. This made me feel some sort of way. I was happy and proud at the same time. I crept over to my wardrobe trying not to wake up Taylor but I failed at that. "Hey Babe, why are you up so early?" Taylor asked me with his raspy morning voice.

"Don't you remember!? The guys are coming over for the first time today! Its the first time I get to meet them. I want to make a good first impression" I answered back sounding a little nervous. Obviously Taylor noticed!

"Come here bae," He said patting the bed beside him.

"No, I have to get dressed!" I said quickly. Taylor knew not to say anything to try persuade me because he knows I wont listen so he just got up and went into the bathroom.

I chose to wear a white crop top, pinky/purple high-rise shorts and my galaxy vans. Just as I was getting changed into my shorts I hear Taylor shout fromt he doorway "Zayum Bae, the things I could do with that booty!". I just giggled to myself and continued getting dressed.

Now both me and Taylor were dressed. Taylor wore his Dark Purple tank top, dark skinny jeans, his Dark Purple vans and of course his purple bandana. I noticed we were matching but decided not to say anything because it was kinda cute.

We both had pancakes and fruit for breakfast. It was really tasty. The pancakes were light and fluffy and the fruit was sweet and juicy. Of course I was the one that made everything because the last time Taylor cooked he cut out all the power in the house! And that was only making toast.

Once we finished breakfast it was 10:30am. I decided to clean up the house a bit before the guys came. I just picked up some clothes from the ground and dusted down the house a little. it looked acceptable and it was now 10:45am. The guys should be here any minute now and I was starting to feel really nervous. Taylor noticed and came up behind me and said "Dont Worry Babe. They're all really nice and friendly. I know already that they are going to love you. You're funny, kind and beautiful! And if they dont like you theres something wrong with them because your perfect!" I just gave a nervous smile and nodded my head.

2 minutes later I heard lots of shouting and a load knock on the door. This was it. Time to shine!

{This was just Part One. Dont worry theres more to come. It was just too long to put into one thingy (I dont know what this is called!) Yeh so part two should be up tomorrow or the day after!}

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