♥ Wedding Day ♥ (Matthew Espinosa)

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"Wow, dude im so nervous!" Matt your

soon to be Husband said to his best man Carter.

"Relax man, You & (Y/N) both love each other and have been through a lot

together but you have both stayed strong and have gotten through it. You'll be fine don't worry" Carter said trying to reasure Matt. Matt just gave an unsure smile to Carter and sat down twideling his thumbs

*Skip to when you walk down the aisle*

Matts *POV*

Wow (Y/N) is just gorgeous. I don't know why I was so worried shes beautiful and we love each other so much. I can't wait to call her Mrs. Espinosa. I can feel a tear tickle my waterline but im trying my best to hold it back because i know if (Y/N) sees me crying it will make her cry too.

Your *POV*

I can't belive this is happening. I finally get to marry the love of my life. This day is finally here. We've both been waiting months and now it's finally here. To think in the next hour we will be Mr & Mrs. Espinosa. I can see Matt is starting to tear up and I feel like im going to aswell but I better not or i'll ruin my make-up.

Matts *POV*

(Y/N) finally reached the top of the church. She looks so perfect.

"Hi babe. You look beautiful. I can't wait for you to be officially mine....soon to be Mrs. Espinosa!" I said to her the second she reached me.

"Awwh baby. You don't look to bad yourself! I love you so much" She responded.

*Skip to end of ceremony*

Your *POV*

"Do you Matthew Lee Espinosa take (Y/N)(Y/M/N)(Y/L/N) to be your wife?" The priest asked Matt.

"I do" Matt said with love, while looking me right in the eyes, which were full of tears by now.

"And do you (Y/N)(Y/M/N)(Y/L/N) take Matthew Lee Espinosa to be your husband?"

"I do" i said, while still looking straight into Matts beautiful eyes.

"You may now kiss the bride" The priest said to Matt.

Matt leaned in and gave me the most passionate and sweet kiss he has ever given me. It wasnt full on sloppy and it wasn't too soft. It was. Perfect!

Okay first one! What do you guys think?

Should I do more?

I already have a Cameron Dallas one written so I might post that one next :)

Anyways hope this hit the feels just in the right spot :P

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