♥ First Time ♥ (Part 2)

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Emma's POV

I opened the door with Taylor standing behind me. All the guys went silent when they seen me. From what I've heard they're always loud and outgoing but right now you could hear a pin drop.

"Hey guys, This is my lovely girlfriend Emma. Emma this is Nash, Cameron, Hayes, Carter, Aaron, Jack, Jack, Shawn, Jacob, Matt and Sammy." Taylor said trying to break the awkward silence.

"Hey guys" I said to the guys.

I got lots of 'Hi' and 'Hey' and 'Whats up!' back.

"So do you guys wanna come in or are we gonna stay out here all day?!" I said jokingly trying to make it less awkward.

"Sure" said Cameron and all the guys pushed throught the door.

We were all just sitting in the living room and I was just getting to know all the guys a little better. I leart lots of new things like Hayes is the youngest in the group, That Jack and Jack met in kindergarten and have been best friends since and many more interesting things.

After about many hours of sitting and talking we all started to get hungry.

"Wanna order some pizza and watch a movie?" I said getting everyones attention.

They all started shouting 'yes' and 'sure' at me so I went out to the kitchen to order.

I had just got off the phone fron ordering. I got 4 large pepperoni pizzas because everyone loves pepperoni. I got 4 because there was lots of us and we havent eaten all day! I was about to walk back into the living room when a pair of strong hands snaked around my waist. Straight away I knew they were Taylors.

"Your doing great babe, The guys really like you" Taylor said into your ear and started to kiss your neck sending shivers down your spine

"Taylor stopppp," You whined trying not to make him notice you were enjoying it "The boys are in the other room now pull yourself together and get your ass inside!" I said and started to walk back to the living room. But on my way back Taylor came up behind me and slapped my ass. I jumped a little but all he did was walk back into the living room and smirk at me just before going in. Taylor is such a sneaky boy when it comes to this stuff.

Just as I was about to go back into the living room with all the guys someone knocked on the door. It was the pizza. 'WOW that was fast' I thought to myself. Anyways I just opened the door and got the pizza. When I walked back into the living room with the pizza we all started eating.

After we finished eating we decided to have a movie night. We put on 21 Jump Street. It was hilarious we never stoped laughing the whole way through the movie. When that was over we decided to watch another movie. It was now 11:30pm so we were all getting pretty tired. We watched a horror movie this time. Im not really a big fan of horror movies but I decided to just watch it because everyone else wanted to. Horror movies always scare me shitless and Taylor knows that. Right now I was snuggled up next to him on the couch with a blanket wrapped around the two of us and I knew as soon as something mildly scary happened in the movie I would have my head in his shoulder tryong to hide. I think thats the reason Taylor never said anything. He's been kinda touchy today and I have a feeling he is going to do something when I hide in his arms. Anyway I just went along and watched the movie.

Around 20 minutes into the movie something jumped out of nowhere and scared me so much. I jumped out of my seat and onto Taylors lap snuggling my head into his chest. Once I was on his lap I felt something sticking into my leg. I knew straight away what it was and I decided to have some fun with Taylor seen as he has been Horny all day but has kept it to himself which is very hard for him!

All the guys were too into the movie to notice anything. I looked Taylor right in the eyes and could see lust and love. I started leaning in and I quickly felt his lips on my. We were kissing in sync for about 2 minutes until I felt Taylors tongue trail across my bottom lip. I wanted to have some fun with him and tease him so I denied entrance. He pulled away.

"Hey, Don't do that!" Taylor whisper/Yelled. I could see he was really disapointed.

"Oh fine," I whispered and gave in.

We started a full on make-out session. We were both really getting into this but knew we couldn't do much before the guys noticed. I still wanted to have fun with Taylor though.

I started grinding my hips against Taylors now very hard dick. He groaned into my mouth. I had him right where I wanted him. I started to unbotton and unzip Taylors trousers. I looked up at him and could see him get a little worried. I think he was afraid the guys were going to notice what we were doing. I didnt care though. I knew Taylor wanted me and by now I wanted him too! I started to palm him through him boxers. He through his head back in pleasure and bit his lip trying to hold back a groan that was about to escape his mouth. I started rubbing Harder and faster. Taylor was trying his best to hold back the groan.

After around 5 minutes of palming him I decided he had enough. I got up off Taylors lap and sat back down beside him. I was just in time because the movie was just finishing. I looked around and noticed all the boys were sleeping!

"Hey Taylor, Everyones asleep" I whispered to Taylor with a smirk on my face and my eyebrows raised.

"Oh really?! How about we take what we were doing upstairs?" Taylors said with a sexy smirk on his face.

"Lets go!" I said jumping off the couch and dragging Taylor up the stairs to our bedroom.


I walked downstairs, and by 'walked' I tried my best to walk down the stairs. My legs were killing me from mine and Taylors night last night. Anyways, I walked into to living room expecting all the guys to be laying on the groind still sleeping but instead I found a note on the coffee table. It said

'Hey, We left last night because you two were making too much noise and we couldn't sleep! Call us when you wake up and we can arrange to meet up and do something today.

Love you,

Carter & the rest of us.

P.S We heard you during the movie yesturday!'

I laughed to myself, placed the note back on the table and went to the kitchen to make Taylor and I some breakfast.


Okay so that was sorta dirty but not really!

Anyways......Hope you liked it Emma my bae :)

Oh and I decided I might start doing prefrences. If I do prefrences I'll be update more often. Don't hold me to it though!

So vote, comment, follow and all that stuff :D

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