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THE WALSH-STARK FAMILY WAS HAVING A PICNIC. Of course, they weren't really the Walsh-Stark family, Tony had yet to propose, but it was an unsaid understanding that they were all family. BUDDY was with them, as were all their other friends and their families, all of them just lounging under the nice weekend sun, the sound of the hustle and bustle of the city surrounding them.

Birdie and Jayne were chatting easily, Ethan and his mothers having gone to get ice cream, and Marc and his parents feeding the ducks, despite the boy futilely trying to remind them that it was against the rules to feed the animals.

Remy, in an attempt to entertain himself, had made a running start towards Marc, planning on tackling him from behind, only for the taller boy to take a step to the side, his face expressionless, watching as Remy crashed onto the ground, scaring the birds.

"This is why you don't fight like a coward. Tackle me from the front," Marc said, lifting Remy off the ground and dusting off the dirt from his knees and elbows, the younger boy blushing in protest and embarrassment.

Tony had his eyes closed, his hand intertwined with Birdie's as the woman continued to chat with her best friend, greeting her sister and sister-in-law when they came back with their ice cream.

"Hey, BUDDY, wanna be a trampoline?" Ethan asked, eyeing the robot who was picking flowers to give to the little girl who had asked to play with him.

"Sorry, Ethan, I'm a little busy right now," the robot replied, and the teenager shrugged, heading towards his cousin and friend who were playing tag, joining in and ganging up on Remy, who shouted in complaint that one person was supposed to chase.

Birdie chuckled, nudging Tony who sat up, lazily leaning forward to take a bite of the ice cream they were sharing, getting it all over his nose. Birdie scoffed and grabbed a napkin, wiping away the ice cream, and he smiled, leaning forward to kiss her. It was sticky, but it was sweet.

The scene continued for some time, all of them chatting about Tony and the facility, what the plans were for the Avengers and the Accords, as well as the cases Birdie and Jayne had, and all the overtime Treshelle and Wilma were putting in, Marc's parents listening and speaking easily as well, Brad asleep next to them, while the three boys ran around, BUDDY soon joining them.

But soon they were all tired out and Remy collapsed next to Tony and Birdie, smiling at first, then frowning suddenly, catching their attention.

"Mom, dad?" he began, looking towards the distance at nothing in particular, his stomach churning painfully.

"What's wrong?" Birdie asked, all sense of mirth gone, replaced with maternal instinct and fear, Tony not far behind.

Remy shook his head, swallowing. "I don't know. I think...I think something's going to happen. Something big."


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