direct message ii.

2.6K 56 20

jackdgrazer: kylerrrrrrrrrr

kylerfinns: whattt

jackdgrazer: why's your name kyler?

kylerfinns: wtf
why's your name jack?

jackdgrazer: bc it's a common name
how did your parents come up with kyler
it's so cute

kylerfinns: you see grazer buddy
you take your brain
and you use it

jackdgrazer: playing smartass i see

kylerfinns: i'm not "playing" anything
besides for you
kylerfinns: i'm always a smartass.

jackdgrazer: looks like i gotta get used to it

kylerfinns: oh do you now?
does that mean you want to keep talking to me

jackdgrazer: of course i do
i have like 5 friends

kylerfinns: you have a lot, don't even lie

jackdgrazer: not any real ones.

kylerfinns: then drop them.

jackdgrazer: it's not that easy.

kylerfinns: and why not?

jackdgrazer: it's just not

kylerfinns: makes so much sense

jackdgrazer: i know, i always make so much sense

kylerfinns: believe what you want kid

jackdgrazer: i will, thank you very much


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