Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

*Tris's POV*

I was woken up by the bright light beeming through the hospital window. I flutter my eyes and rub them looking around the bright quiet room that I woke up in, I turn to my right and see Four peacefully sleeping on the chair. That's the only sound in the room, Four's snors in and out. In and out. I weakly smiled to myself and layed back down taking in a deep breath and pushed it all out of my nose. I eyes had drifted towards my arm and noticed the amount of bandage covering it. I carefully touched my arm and winced in pain.. Then I clearly remembered that I was shot in the arm by the one and only Lauren! I sighed and rolled my eyes. Dammit why the hell did she shoot me? Oh that's right....

Flash back

I was awoken by Fours door slowly opening and a slim feminin figure walking towards the bed. "Get up" the girls voice whispered harshly by grabbing my shirt and slightly lifting me up from out of the covers. My heart started racing and I slowly looked up in fear. Lauren. I've seen her a few times in school, she was always hanging around Four. I think she was Four's boyfriend. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back up at Lauren "why the hell are you sleeping Four's bed?" Lauren harshly spoke grabbing the collar of my shirt and yanking me up even higher. "I-I, I'm sorry" I nervously spoke but before I prossed what I said there was a BANG! BANG! BANG! My arm went limp and pain shot through out my whole body making me gasp for air. She just shot me. Lauren had just shot me in the arm and all I did was scream hoping Four or someone would hear me. Lauren backed up and looked acomplished and she smirked at me. "Hope it felt good" she laughed. But then all I really remember was Four bursting through the room and screaming. Then I guess I fainted and now I'm in the hospital.

End of flashback

I sighed once more taking my free hand and stroking it through my messy golden hair. I looked back at Four and smiled. I jumped by the door opening and one of the nurses walking in with a tray of food. "Look's good" I smiled up at the nurse. "Yes it is, fresh fruit from Amity also warm bread with butter. The nurse warmly smiled and put the breakfast tray on my lap. "Enjoy" she smiled "thank you so much its looks wonderful" I smiled back. "And when your finished eating you doctor will check up on your arm" the nurse smiled once more and walked out slowly shutting the door. I looked down at my tray amd started to dig in. The apple was cold and fresh. The eggs were warm and so tasty I had the fresh amity bread and butter. Breakfast was wonderful! I put the tray next to me on a table and layed back down turing on the television. I noticed Four was streching and he groaned "morning" he said while yawing. "morning" I responded without even looking at him. I was a little afraid of him, what if he was happy that Lauren had shot me? Wait I'm over thinking this. He wouldn't be on her side if he had slept in the room last night, he was probably worried. I turned towards him and he was staring at me. I blushed and looked down "hey how you feeling" he asked looking down at my wounded arm. "I feel a little better I guess hut it still hurts" I whispered so only he could hear me. "Listen" Four spoke and paused for a minute "what Lauren did to you was not ok" he paused again. "I didn't mean for this to happen, I'm dumping her once I'm back in school" and he stopped. So it was true Lauren was his girlfriend. I felt a wave of jealous flush through me but I don't know why.. I don't like Four like that. I mean I think I don't. I snapped out of my thoughts and finally responded to Four "It's alright I know why she shot me, she was angry that I was in your bed. If I was her I would be angry but I mean I wouldn't have the guts to shoot someone because of that." I spoke with confidence. "But it's ok Four, you don't have to break up with her. You shouldn't break up because of me. I'll be fine" I whispered staring down at my wrapped up arm. "No" Four spoke louder "I'm breaking up with her, I really never liked her anyways. She was a snot and stuck up she never cared about me, she was always flirting with guys and never payed attention to me anyways." He sounded hurt and broken, but I just nodded and turned back to look at the television. Finally one of the doctors walked in with a bag and came to sit next to me. She was beautiful. I'm guessing young thirtys, she had medium lengthed hair which was a shiny chocolate color brown. Her viberant green eyes stuck out the most. But she was thin and had curves. I got distracted by her beauty while she was changing my bandage and checking to see if it had gotten infected. "There you go Ms. Prior" the doctor smiled and got up walking our the door swaying her hips. I looked at my new clean bandage and stared at it for a while. I can't wait to get out of this place...





(A/N) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please comment and vote for more(:

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