[2] Window Buddies

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"Eliza, is that you?" my mom asked as I walked into the house.

"No mom, its a burglar who just so happens to have a key to the from door," I said jokingly.

"Oh very funny," she said, walking towards me and kissing me on the forehead.

Wait a minute. I thought my mom was supposed to be working tonight?

"Mom, I thought you were supposed to be working?" I said.

"Oh I decided to rest a little today and came home early."

Great. She knew I was gone and didn't even bother calling to see where I was. And the mother of the year award goes to...Not my mom.

"Ok well, I'm going to go upstairs to get started on my homework," I told her.

"Okay, and hey, did you see the new neighbors moved in yesterday?"

Oh ya, I have been meaning to ask about them.

"Did you meet them?" I asked. I was kinda hoping I would meet them before her, just so they know theres at least one normal person living here.

"Nope, not yet," she answered, "But i was going to go over there tomorrow". Great.

"Ok, well I'm gonna do my homework now," I said. My mom nodded and I walked up the staircase into my room.

After Xavier dropped me off a few minutes ago, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I quickly took off my school shirt, ready to put my pajamas on and get to bed. Who cares about homework?

"Well don't let me stop you."

What. Who. What. I looked out my window and saw some guy about my age looking at me.

"I have pepper spray and I'm not afraid to use it," I said stupidly as I quickly put on my pajama shirt. I had a tank top on but I just wanted to get my pj shirt on fast.

"So is it an attention thing?" he asked

"What are you talking about?" I said.

"You know, the whole 'changing in front of open windows' thing."

"First of all, nobody has lived in that house for weeks, so know one was able to see me change. Second of all its your fault for not closing your window and third of all-"

"Wow your voice is really high pitched when you get mad," he interrupted as he rubbed his ears.

I give him the evil eyes as he continues being rude and annoying. This gives me a good chance to look at him.

He has dark brown hair, lightish brown eyes, and a great tan. He's defiantly not bad looking, but considering what just happened, I was not about to admit that.

"How about we just start over, green eyes? I'm Trevor. The one who everybody knows and loves, the one who is a skateboard pro, the one-"

"Who wouldn't shut up?" I tried. He gave me the evil eyes. I thought only I did that?

"And you are?"

"Eliza" I said.

"Hmm. Eliza? I think I prefer green eyes," he said with a smirk. And then a thought flew into my mind.

"Hey how old are you?" I asked. He could be in the same grade as me, which means I might have to see him more than this.

"Why? Hoping to have all of your classes with me?" he said arrogantly.

"Oh yea, totally. In fact I have been spending these past few minutes thinking of ways to stalk you without seeming creepy," I said sarcastically.

"Yea well, don't worry, you can join the rest of the girls, and I'm a sophomore, starting tomorrow." Great. Were gonna have to be in the same year. Starting tomorrow I'm going to be seeing this freak for the next three years.

Yay life.

"Whatever, just close your window already, I need sleep."

"Well green eyes, looks like were gonna be window buddies," he said before he closed his window.

I climbed into my bed and thought of how annoying he was.
"Window buddies?" I whispered, "Yea, right".

And then I continued my wonderful date with Harry.


THE CHAPTERS WILL GET LONGER I PROMISE<3 Trevor is such so arrogant. Next chapter is the fist day of school for trevor and I have some plans...hehe.



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