To The Notebook...

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I hope you hear me when I speak 'cause when you don't I come here to scream.. Or escape from the world into a vivid day dream and create a new world.

I crawled out of the pit of despair and stood there,  tall again.

But with each step I slipped and stumbled,  yet I still walked with power.  Since I know soon it'd be my hour.

And soon I found you there. ; Of course I couldn't  help but stare. 

But of course when they saw us together they decided to glare.  But I could see the glare in my glasses  the twinkle in your eyes,  and the flair in out steps so I didn't care.

Frustrated I began to stumble again.  Because these hypocrites and bigots pass judgment without looking at the big picture or searching for answers.

Those who behave as if they've reached a point of omniscience.

With actions of a God or Oracle one who has seen the truth. 

But being mere man this is not truth.  You must not pass judge or release discipline without investigation (not interrogation or accusations) .  Your  mind is closed yet your heart is open? I have no clue what you're hopin' to achieve by doing so. 

One may  not truly open one without the other,  otherwise there is no balance.  Your ignorance has taken away my new Balance.  

As If I'm missing a valence,  I am now unstable.  My world has been blurred once again.

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