Getting There..

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I don't know how else to say it, I mean I made it there. And then I lost my way. So now I fake it everyday. I'm looking for the mountain top, I just slipped off the peak. When the climax subsided , I became very weak and near sighted. And only saw darkness when I tried to peek. You could say I was blinded... By myself maybe , because I'm now by myself... I mean what else.. could there be.. besides a comforting you and me. There's Much else I'd like to "be". Or anything else I'd like to become.. except yours. There's not a soul out there quite like yours. I remember a time when everything we as individuals were or had was ours. I can count the hours I've gone without you. who or whom could compare to you... Perfection no!, imperfect as ever it's what determines whether we float or.... sink, perfect for me cliche though it May be it personifies what I see.

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