What can I say when I lose sight of who I am.
A path of self hatred I do trudge, as if against myself I hold a grudge.
Makes me want to hold a blade against my veins and self inflict to forget the pain.
I drift away silently to the sounds of the rain.
It becomes hard to maintain sanity when surrounded by pressure from humanity.
I'm the opposite of simple minded vanity.
I hate myself and so does everyone else.
There is nothing felt quite like regret for all the things you've done and can't forget.
I remember the day we met, It was dark and hark there stands a masked man , he looks a lot like me.
Give in to the darkness my child, there is no light or need to fight, so do what's right and say "goodnight."
End it all and answer the call your battle is over .
I opened my eyes and to my suprise down shined a light on an angel of infinite might.
A goddess she stood out of sight, yet now in view she stood in a pillar of light.
She spoke the solemm words, I am your guide into the light hold my hand and hold tight.
Soon you'll be free from this dank blight.
And even though I did things that weren't right I thank you for being my angel that night,with stellar love that's out of sight beyond this world our love did unfurl.
I thank you for saving me and never leaving me and one day soon again we shall be, this is the hope within me I owe it to you at least to be as strong as you were for me.
Yet another "dark" love poem, enjoy. Try not to focus on the self harm reference.