Home and new friends

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Marks POV
After we get our little girl in the car I start and drive us home.
About 30mins later we were still in the car when my mom rang and luckily I have blue tooth so I put her on speaker.

"Hey mom what's up?"

"Hey honey I just wanted to see how my son and darling son-in-law are"

"We're doing ok, jacks with me now and we have a surprise for you"

"Hi mother in law" jack says happily while
waving that the screen

"Hello jack my darling boy how are you?"

"I am fantastic thanks to your son"

"Oh? really well what has happened to make you so happy?"

"Well mom you see, well what would you do if I told you, you have a granddaughter now"


"..... KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I AHVE A GRANDDAUGHTER ARE YOU KIDDING ME! What her name? What does she look like? Can I come over? Kyaaaaa I'm a grandparent!"

My mom screams louder then jack and that's saying something and jack himself is covering his ears.

"Damn mom your going to make me and jack deaf"

"I can't help it I'm a grandmother"

"Well then. Her name is (y/n) and is our little angel that is surprisingly is this asleep" jack says while looking back at (y/n) and smiling at her

"That's it in coming over this weekend to see her. Oh I can't wait to tell her father he's going to be so happy"

"I'm surprised you are not coming round now to be honest"

"Well I thought I would give you some time with your new daughter so you can get used to her"

"Right far point well made"

"Right then my darlings I will talk to you later and see you this weekend bye boys and bye my little (y/n)"

"Bye mom"

Well, that went better then expected" jack said

"Tell me about it haha"

After another 20mins or so we finally got home with (y/n). While I went to get (y/n)'s things jack picked up (y/n) and started to walk to the house with her in his arms.

I opened the door only to get pushed out by a golden fluff ball.
"Chica get off me" I said while laughing

"Chica come here and meet someone new"

Chica want over to jack and started wagging her tail and when jack bent down so that Chica could look at (y/n) her tail became faster and she started to lick her on the head.

"Good girl, that's (y/n) she's new to the family and your new sister so you have to be good ok?"

"Bark bark"

"I'm going to take that as a yes"

I really could not be more happy, I have a loving husband, a dog and friend that I adore and now I have new daughter who I know will be spoiled and I would do anything for her

Jack's POV
After we got home (y/n) was still sleeping and mark wanted to show me her room and my god was I shocked

"I can't believe you did this without my notice"

"Well I try" he said laughing

I put (y/n) down in her crib and looked down on her she looks like an little angel and I know people say that all the time when they have a baby but my god it's true

Mark came up behind me and put his hand around my waist "what are you thinking about baby boy?"

"How perfect you are and how perfect we and our daughter is"

"Haha well I think we should let her sleep and let us sleep while we can because something tells me we are going to have some sleepless nights ahead"

"Yeah but it will be worth it to watch her grow"

"I could not agree more"

We started to leave the room but before I put on the baby monitor and gave (y/n) a little kiss on the forehead and said good night and want to bad with mark were we watched my favorite film and it was the most perfect day ever and would not want to change this for the world.

???  POV
"it seems they have got a baby"

"So it seems"

"What should we do? We could have some fun if ya ask me"

"While that sounds good we still have no way of getting out of here"


"Now, now you too don't give up we still have time"

"You, you the fuck are ya doing here?"

"Now is that any way to speak to ME?"

"Fuck off ya fookin bitch"

"Fine but if you need my help which you will, you two know where to fine me and I would of so before its to late"

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