We're coming

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??? POV
I was watching them.
Such a happy family aren't they. Hehehe! I can't wait until they find out what that kid really is and who the kid may be.
Oh my darling (y/n) I will find you again and we shall be together again and have the family that you wanted so long ago.

"What you doing?"
"Watching my darling grow up and how jack and mark treat her"
"Ya know that she won't remember"
"She will and if not....well let just see shall we"

"I'm surprised that you have not do anything yet"
"Well good things come to those work wait dark"
"And what about me?"
"Of course you to anti"

"Do ya think we will get her?"
"Of course we will"
"And I can't wait to see their faces"
"How about we go and see my little girl"

Mark POV
Me and jack were fast asleep.
I woke up, as did jack.
"Do you feel that mark?"
"Yeah something wrong"
We both ran to (y/n)'a room only to find one of our worst nightmares.
"Well, well, well what do we have here?"
"It looks like a child dark"
"Indeed anti"

"What are you two doing here!"
"Now, now mark is that any way to treat your guesses" I turned around while jack kept an eye on dark and anti

"Hello old friend"
"You three get the fookin hell out of my house!"
"Now jack come can't we be friend after all we are the same"

"What are you lot doing here?"
"We came to see the new family member that's all"
"What else?"

Jack POV
"What else?"
I kept my eyes on (y/n). I felt so worthless not being able to do anything. They were demons and there strong way stronger then me or mark meaning we had to listen before we get (y/n) back.
"What do we want?"
"Yes what do ya what"
Anti had (y/n) in his arms and looked down at her and smiled.
' that's not anti normal smile. That smile is.....one hold with love'
"Ya can't have OUR daughter"
"Why don't you watch us"
"We won't take her jack....not yet anyway"
"And what happens when you do dark?"
"Well mark... you will just have to find out before her 18 birthday"
"What?!" We both said that the same time
"Well we would love to stay and talk some more but we have to leave fair well boys"

Their gone just like that.
Me and mark both ran to her and took her in my arms were she was awake and looking at me and mark.
"She's fine jack"
"For now...what were we going to do?"
"Let's take her to our room and go to sleep and we will talk about it tomorrow with the other"
'Felix, wade and bob were coming over tomorrow'
"Good night jack"
"Goodnight mark"
I put (y/n) on my chest and mark put his arms around us and we all fell asleep.

Hello my darlings how are you?
Having a good day? I hope so.
Anyway thank you for reading this story and if you like this chapter and would like to know every time I update then add this story to you library.
Please check out my other stories to.
Anyway thank you for reading and I will see you later
Fair well my darlings💕

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