Vacation part 1

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Mark POV
"5 more minutes"

I suddenly wake up to the voice of my darling daughter.
"(Y/n)......why did you wake up so early?"
"Grandad and Nanna are at the door and I can't fine the key to let them in"

I forgot that my mom and dad would be coming over early morning to see us.
"Jack come on baby boy wake up"
"Not now sweetie"
"Papa wake up daddy."

I smile....the only way to wake up someone who is not a morning person without poring cold water on them is by using their weakness. And for jack that's........tickling him.

"With pleasure"
"Ahhh tickling me today.....I'm up"
"Come on baby boy your to cute to pout"
"Whatever......I'm going for a shower"
"I'll make you some coffee"
"Mammmmm you know the way to me heart don't ya mark"

While jack went for a shower. Me and (y/n) went to open the door because we had left my darling mother and father outside for way to long.

"There she is my loving granddaughter"
"What about me?"
"Hello grandpa"
"Hello my darling."
"Hey mom, are things so far"
"Oh there good. The weather is great today so we were wondering if you wanted to come to the water park for the day?"
"Yeah that's sounds good"
"What's a water park?"
"It's were you have many slides and water pools"
"Anyway by the sounds of it you and my darling son in law have just got up we will leave you to get ready"
"Ok see you later"
"Bye my darling"

We both went back in we're jack was now coming out of the shower.
"Daddy up"
"Haha...come to daddy little one"

(Y/n) had a bit more stronger bond with jack then me because they spend more time together but they also like the same things to.

"Daddy guess what!?"
"Heh what is it?"
"We're going to a water park with grandad and Nanna"
"Then I guess we better get ready then should we not?"

Jack put down (y/n) and she ran in to her room to get ready.
"Ya sure this is a good idea?"
"If it was not I'm sure I would have told my mom."
"Fair point....I better go and get our daughter ready while you go take a shower because ya starting to smell"

Important please read.

I will be continuing this book but it will not be updated very often. I have decided that I will be updating this book 1 a week because this is one of my smaller books and it is not going the way I want it to. And I need to rethink the plot and where it will go next.

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