Anti and dark part 2

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Mark POV
I know I have been...avoiding (y/n) and that she's starting to notice too...
"Daddy I don't thing papa likes me no more.."
"It's not that sweetie just that ....papas friend is in trouble and he does not want you to get hurt that's all."

"I know it just that....I don't want him to hurt (y/n) because I was to weak to take over"
"Mark....dark did not hurt (y/n) and to be honest I don't think he will nor will they..."
"How do you know that.."
"Because....because dark held (y/n) in his arms and had a look on his face like she was the most precious thing he had ever seen"
"Jack I..."
"I know mark...I know"
"I love you my little baby boy"
"I love you to markimoo"
"Right I better put (y/n) to bed"
I watched as jack walked out our bedroom.

It's been a little while and jack still has not come back yet. I was about to get up when...

I got out of bed and started to run to (y/n)s room and saw..
"Anti why you in daddy's body.."
"Because I wanted to see ya lass.."

"And now you can leave.."
"Why hello mark.."
"Anti....what are you doing here.."
"I just came to say hello and to see my little lass"

How does she know anti.
While thinking that I started to get a pain in my chest.
"Arr" I bent over in pain.
"Oh look those coming out to play."

"Papa what's wrong"
"Nothing but get away from hi-arrrr!"
"Come here lass"

I saw anti pick (y/n) put and took her in his arms and that's all I saw before everything went black.

I woke up and saw darkness all around me and yet could see the outside world.

In case you don't know...every time anti or dark took over our bodies we could not control them but we could see what they do.

"Hello (y/n) miss me?"
How does she know them....
"Where's papa?"
"He's still here I'm just in control that's all but he can see what we do like jack and how he can see what anti does..."

"Why you take over their body"
"Because we wanted to see ya lass"
"That right"
"Is wil here too"
"No he could not come but he will next time"

"I can feel Mark starting to take over"
"Eye I can feel jack taking over as well"

Jack POV
I started to take back control.
Come on just a little more...
I have seen and heard everything that dark and anti have done. does my little angle know them...

I started to to take control and could see mark taking control too and before I could I saw anti put (y/n) down in her bed.
"See ya next time lass"
Then darkness came..

"(Y/n)? Are you hurt?"
"(Y/n) how do you know them..."
"Yes how do you know them (y/n)..."
"Mark! You ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine jack but....(y/n) how do you know dark and anti"

We both looked at (y/n).
"I see them in my dreams...they talk and play with me."
"What do they say?"
"They say they love me....and how important I am"
"(Y/n) I want you to listen to me and papa ok....never trust dark or anti or Wilford because they will hurt you ok"
Mark pulled her on to his lap and started to stroke her hair.
"Ok papa"

What are we going to do?

Hello my darlings

How are you?

Are you having a good day?

Thank you for reading this chapter and if you want to know every time I update this story then add it to your library

Please check out some of my other stories

Thank you for reading and I will see you later fair well my darlings💕

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