chapter 5

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After Jeff punches the guy several times and there is now blood on both of his fists I finally give in.

"Jeff!" I scream "Jeff! get off him".

Jeff looks up at me with angry full eyes but when he realizes he is looking at me his eyes soften. He stands up and simply walks over to me and wipes his hands on his black T-shirt. He grabs my hand and drags me down the hall, away from the blood covered boy on the floor.

" Jeff! oh my god! is he going to be okay? He's covered in blood!" I whisper-scream.

"I only broke his nose at the most" he replies calmly despite his chest moving up and down rapidly. his breathing Is jagged and choppy for the next minute or so.

We keep walking in silence until we reach the art room. I can't stop going over what he said to that boy in my head.

she's mine and only mine!

his words replay in my mind over and over again like a broken record.

she's mine and only mine!

why did he say that? does he consider me his? did he say that out of anger? or of protectiveness? or something like that?

I'm brought out of my thoughts when Christine and Trevor entire the art room and sit at our normal table that Jeff now sits too. The four of us sit at the table for about a minute of just silence until Christine says "hi! I'm Christine!" and waves at Jeff.

"and I'm Trevor" Trevor chimes in "we're Arias best friends."

"hey, I'm Jeff" he greets them and smiles "I'm also Arias friend!"

I just sit back as they talk. they actually seem to get along pretty well.

The four of us laugh and talk for the next five minute until the reacher walks in.

Mrs. Smith, the art teacher steps in front of the class and smiles brightly.

"hello class!" she sings in her unusually happy voice. "today we are going to be working on a free style water paint piece, just to see how far you've come and what you know" she sweetly hums "brushes and cups are over by the sink and paper and paints are on the cart near the window" she chimes in and sits at her desk and grabs her pencil to continue a drawing she has worked on for weeks now.

I walk to the sink and crap 4 brushes and cups, fill the cups with water and carry them to the table.

"I'll get the paper and paints" Trevor says climbing out of his seat. we thank him and each grab a brush and cup. When Trevor returns we grab our paints and papers and begin our pieces.

The entire time, my table of friends were in a conversation that consisted of sever topics that made every one laugh. I don't really know because most of the time I was deep into my own thoughts. I can't wait for school to be over so I can hang out with Jeff. I would have never expected him to ask me to hang out with him after school like he did this morning.

I wonder what we will do after school. its a little cold outside, maybe we'll go and see a movie or something. or would he take me out to get something to eat? or maybe go to the mall? or just simply walk around? I don't even know, why am I obsessing over this. Especially after only knowing him for one day. and what happened in the hall, when he said shes mine and only mine! what is that suppose to mean? I'll just talk to him about it after school.

"do you agree Aria?" Trevor's voice brakes through my thoughts. huh? what were they talking about?

"uh..yea. I agree.." I say, unsure of what I'm agreeing to. They all burst into laughter.

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