chapter 4

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~sorry for the really short chapters guys. I really do want to update this book more often, I really need a few ideas. So could you guy please leave some ideas in the comments. Okay thanks.


~Arias POV~

I turn around to see Jeff jogging towards me. I can't hold back my smile as he reaches my side. my heart leaps when he grins a toothy smile. why am I so nervous? is this normal?

"Aria? did you hear me?" he questions. I break from my thoughts and I realize I'm staring at him. I blush and look at the ground

"uh, I'm sorry, what?" I say shyly.

"ha. I asked why you were going inside" he laughs. He rubs the back of his neck and looks down. is he nervous too? no, why would he be nervous?

"oh, I don't really like stayin' out here with everyone else" I reply still looking at the ground.

"well, you should stay out here, I wanted to hang out with you before classes begin" he says looking up at me. I lift my head to meet his eyes staring into mine. I blush and grin, pushing my hair out of my eyes.

"okay.." I smile and nod. Jeff smiles and my stomach leaps when he grabs my wrist and pulls me along with him. He leads me over to the edge of the courtyard and lets go of my wrist. We sit down on the cold bench.

we sit in silence for about a minute until I drift away into my thoughts.

do I like Jeff? does he like me? nah, why would he like some one like me?! and I only just met him, I can't like him, can I? and..

my thoughts are interrupted by Jeff.

"so, uh, what ya doin after school?" he asks, nervousness clearly in his voice. He rubs the back of his neck waiting for my response. 

"uh, I didn't think I'm doing anything.." I reply and turn to him to meet his eyes.

"would you possibly, maybe, want to hang out, ya know, if you wanna..?" he asks while staring deep into my eyes.

"sure. I'd love to hang out." I reply while smiling.

"great!" he replies happily and smiles widely. I can't help but giggle at his goofy reaction. He joins me in my laughter while he continues to look at me. we stop laughing after a minute and Jeff opens his mouth to say something but the bell rings and the huge crowd of people that ounce surrounded us pile into the building.

I stand up and smile at him one last time and walk towards the doors to the school.

I walk inside and to my locker on the second floor. As I reach the top of the stairs, I'm greeted with several boys crowding my locker. I can't help but think to myself how grateful I am that its the very begging of January and school almost over and then I'm done with high school. bye bye 12th grade and hello collage.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when the group glances at me and a sly smirk slowly spreads across each of their faces. I take in my surroundings and realize that there are no teachers around. oh no. The several boys that once stood by my locker have now surrounded me.

"Who's the new kid, Aria?" one mocks me.

"Is he your boyfriend!?" another says, while making kissy faces. They're so immature for 12th graders.

I crinkle my nose at the thought of having Jeff as my boyfriend. I have never had a boyfriend and honestly, I don't know if I even want one. Everything has always gone wrong for me. I don't want to have a boyfriend if its just going to end up with a heart broken Aria. Then again, I don't have much more that isn't already broken.

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