chapter 7

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We continue down the road and park into the driveway of a medium sized house only a few blocks away from my house. I clench the car door handle while looking out the window at the beautiful house in front of me. I push open the car door and step on too the pavement, Jeff does the same thing. I walk onto the grass and Jeff throws his bag over his shoulder and jogs around the car to join me.

"Whoa, you have a pretty cool looking house" I say, still gazing at the scene in front of me. The entire front yard is covered in beautiful green grass. On the sides of the yard are several perfectly alined bushes and tiny trees. At the top of the concrete stairs leading up to the door are two brown flower pots filled with bright blue and yellow flowers.

Jeff laughs at my remark, "thanks" he replies.

We continue through the grass and up the stairs. Jeff opens the screen door and says "ladies first" while stretching his arm out, gesturing me go ahead inside.

"Ladies first? Then go" I laugh. Jeff glares at me but then laughs and walks inside. I giggle and follow behind him.

Jeff tosses his bag on the chair next to the door. "You don't need a tour of the house, do you?" He laughs.

I chuckle "nah, I think I can live without it." I can't help but gaze around his living room. Its really big compared to mine. As I turn to find Jeff I see him leaning against the wall, just staring at me and smirking. I immediately blush and turn my head. I hear a slight chuckle rise from Jeff.

"What?" I laugh while looking at him again "why are you staring at me?"

"Because you seem fascinated and its pretty entertaining" he smirks again.

"Is that so?" I question him while walking over to where he's standing.

"Mhm" he replies. I swing my hand and attempt to punch his arm but he catches my hand before it can come in contact with his arm. We both burst into laughter at the sudden silence that's fallon over us. ,

Jeff steps over the hardwood floor and reaches the stairs across the room.

"C'mon" Jeff gestures for me to follow him upstairs. He leads me upstairs and shows into a room with a white rug and a black leather couch and several black leaver chairs. There's also I large TV hung up on the wall across from the couch.

"This is the room that you will be sleeping in tonight" Jeff smirks.

"Are you serious? This is awesome!" I laugh, "I don't even have a TV in my room at home!"

A full, beautiful, contagious laugh raised from Jeff and I join him.

I look over at Jeff and he's standing right at the door from of the room. Our eyes meet and I can't he'll but hold the gaze for just a few more seconds. His dark eyes are filled with endless thoughts, and his bright gorgeous smile holds so much life and happiness in it. 

I brake the stare once I realize we've been just gazing at each other for almost a full minute.

"So where's you're room?" I ask, trying to make conversation. Jeff turns around and goes to the room directly across from the room I'll be staying in. He opens the door and I peer inside. "This is my room" he announces proudly.

In the room is a large bed covered in a black a white bed sheet. His hardwood floor is perfectly swept and polished. It is a very large room with three windows on the far wall, all covered in black curtains. I'm astonished even more than I already was when I see a pool table and a Foosball table towards the right side of the room. There's also a stereo on a wall shelf and a bunch over CDs.

"Don't you have a TV in here too?" I ask curiously. In response Jeff simply walks over to his bed, grabs a remote laying on it and pushes a button while pointing it towards the wall across from his bed. My attention falls to the empty wall when the wall pulls back, revealing a large flat screen TV.

"Oh. My. God! Are you joking? This is the coolest room I have ever seen in my entire life!" I nearly squeal, "I have to come here more often!" I joke.

"Yeah, you do" he says in all seriousness.  I giggle and walk closer to Jeff. "Thanks for letting me stay here tonight" I say smiling up at Jeff, why does he have to be like an entire foot taller than me!?

"Its no problem at all, I like having you here" Jeff smirks.

~nearly 30 minutes later~

Here we are, nearly 30 minutes later already huddled up on the black leather couch eating a bowl of popcorn and watching a horror movie.

"Don't go in there!" I yell at the TV, "don't go in there you god damn idiot!" I hear Jeff laugh beside me.

"What?" I question while turning to face him sitting beside me.

"Nothing. You're just insanely adorable" he laughs like its nothing. I blush and chuckle.

"Oh. Thanks" I laugh and turn back to the TV.

By the time the movie ends, me and Jeff are so close, our arms are against each other.

"What do you wanna do now" Jeff asks while turning to me.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" I reply.

"Well its only 5:30" Jeff says while glancing down at his watch on his right wrist "are you hungry?"

"Yea, sorta" I giggle. I like how he always thinks of me before himself, its cute.

"Do you want to order some Chinese?" He chuckles and reaches his phone on the chair next to him.

I nod in response and he dials the chines food place. "What do you want he asks?" He asks with an adorable smile. 

"I'll have an order of sticky wings" I reply.

"You got it-" Jeff says before someone answers the phone "oh hi, yes, I'd like two orders of sticky wings..."

Jeff goes on and finishes our order.

"They should be here in about 30 minutes" Jeff smiles.

"Cool" I say, smiling back.

Im so glad I agree to sleeping at Jeff's tonight. I think I like him more than a friend, but its too early in our friendship for me to ruin it. I can not ruin this, I will probably never have anything like this ever again. I've  realized how much I love having someone to hangout with, I don't ever want to be a long again...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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