chapter 2

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~I am so so so so SO sorry I haven't updated for so long, stuff been happening ~

Chris's POV

Ha, Arias such a wimp, but she'll be fine...

She'll just be missing school today.

It's weird.. I like her but i dont know what to do, I just wish I could figure out how to handle my emotions.

I actually do like her a little, but she just seemed to always push me and every body else away, that's when I began to bully her. I had to get her attention one way or another. I know, I'm pretty pathetic, but like I said, I don't know how to control my emotions.

I think I went a little too far this time though. I shouldn't have pushed her so hard...

I should tell somebody, shouldn't I? Or I could just go to class like every one else..?

Nah, I jog down to the doors of the school and step inside. I walk down the hall, take a turn, and step into the nurses office.

"Ehh, exuse me.." I say as I rub my arm.

" There's a girl lying outside in the concrete in front of the school. I'm not sure what happened, but she's out cold..." I lie.

The nurse looks at me weirdly and struggles to get up from her seat. She finally gets up and walks towards the school doors.

I see her stumble through the doors and jog towards Aria.

I should probably get to class now, I turn around and walk to my homeroom first.

~two hours later~

Aria's POV

Huh? Where am I? I look around, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the room. I hear footsteps and my vision is no longer blurry.

" oh! You're awake! How are you feeling?" The nurse asks, I recognized her from the many times that I've been here.

"I'm, uh, fine, i head just really hurts." I say as I sit up on the couch.

I reach up and feel at the bandage rapped around my head. "Ow!" I exclaimed as my hand reached the wound.

"Well, you should be fine as long as you keep that bandage on your head, but I'm going to send you home anyway. Is there a parent or guardian that can come and pick you up?" The nurse said.

"Uh, yea, but is it okay if I call him from my phone?" I replied. The nurse nodded and I took out my phone. I pretend to dial in the number and put the non-ringing phone to my ear.

"Hey Dad" I say into the silent phone. "Could you come and pick me up from school, no nothing's wrong, I just got a little cut on my head.. Okay, okay thanks. Bye."

I pretend to hang up and close the phone.

"My dad said he is coming to pick me up and to go and wait outside." I lie and nurse nods again.

"Okay. Have a good day, sugar." She says as she watches me jump on to the floor and grab my bag from the corner and sling it over my shoulder.

I walk through the quiet halls and go through the front doors and step outside. I begin my walk home. I couldn't have called my dad, he would have never come to pick me up.

And when we got home he would yell at me and slap me for calling him to come and pick me up, I know it.

I walk on the gray pavement as my footsteps echo down the street. It's oddly very silently other than my echoed footsteps. The light seems to dim as dark gray clouds roll in over head.

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