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Erica's Pov

I blocked his shot, packing the ball across the rim

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I blocked his shot, packing the ball across the rim. I hurried over and grabbed the ball, shooting from the edge. Al threw the ball to me after it went into the net.


"She has to go!" I shot another bucket into the hole. "Ain't no ifs, buts, bout it."

We all had met up at a local gym to shoot some hoops, catching up on all of that shit that been happening lately.

James and Albee laughed at my outburst. I scrunched my face up, I didn't find shit funny.

"E mann, why she got you so hot and bothered." He deepen his voice.

James laughed some more.

I smacked my teeth.

"Man she ain't got shit except for this ass whooping heading her way if she keep bullshitting .."

"Mad or nah?"

"Fuck all that! because of her, I ain't
getting no play, sleeping on hard couches and whatnot- plus CYN won't even speak to me." I replied.

"You don't get it?" James passed the ball back to me. "Its all your fault."

"How? I ain't did shit to th-

"Led her on? Maybe?"

"Erica you been knew how Cyn can get- the broad is the petty queen, crazy at that."

"Yo, yall remember that time Nikki thought you were cheating so she s-sent Cyn to lit cho ass up."

I rolled my eyes.

"Woo shit!" Albee slapped his knee. "Nigga the way she had you running, motherfuccas would've thought you just joined the cheer squad."

I flicked em' off.

"Which is quite ironic? because now you done ran off with the girl that tried to lit your ass on fire once upon a time."

My baby always been a firecracker.

"Which brings to me, how all of this came bout!?" James asked.

"Life." I stated.

"So what are you going to do?"

I'd hunched my shoulders..

"Well you need to think of something. Erica I can't fire her without any good evidence."

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