A child in the woods.

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It was either terribly late or far too early, which ever one chose, when Daenerys realized her mind was still racing, and sleep was far from her. And for a week her rests had been long and heavy. She new why. There was a little ache in her belly constantly for the same reason. The night stretched, and she lay hopelessly awake, until at last she rose determinedly and crossed the black, silent hall. She had to knock twice when she got there, and Jon was all confusion and eye-rubbing. Overcome with uncertainty, Dany searched for an excuse or explanation and had just opened her mouth to speak when he snagged her by her waist, and pulled her into his room. Shortly after, she slipped back across the hall to her bed, and into a satisfying sleep.

Though the rising was early and she ate her breakfast in the gray breaking light, it was nearly midday when her armies crossed the bridge to the west of White Harbor and truly set off for Winterfell. Jon had been convinced to lead the party, to stay visible and identifiable. He was hating it, she imagined. Not the sort to revel in praise, Jon was probably uncomfortable every time someone shouted, 'The King in the North!' and they shouted that gratuitously, she noticed. The Dothraki were last of all, their camps followers trailing on for miles hunting about as much as traveling. Toward the middle of the convoy was the Unsulllied, and somewhere within she marched and shivered. Though it seemed like just a precaution before, now that they were traveling Dany was grateful for the disguise but the North was nothing like the hot winds of Essos and she felt it's sting right into her bones.

But where is Drogon, and Rhaegal? she wondered for the hundredth time. The last word from scouts was that they had flown North, and it made her nervous-

"Unsullied do not look up so much." Greyworm said in a low voice. He'd stayed as close as he could and guided her as the road grew rough and her joints stiff with cold.

"Not even to watch for dragons?" she whispered back.

"Only then." he answered after considerable time.

The trudging was hard because of the snow underfoot. She was used to sand and grass, but then, so were Greyworm and all the men around, and their steps never faltered or tired. Hours were passing, she could tell by the sun, and every time she wanted to stop and ask for a horse, she thought of the rest of them walking for her as she asked them to, and was glad to know what they went through. Though she stumbled many times, she kept pace with them. At least moving kept some parts of her warm.

The wind shifted and she caught a strange sound from the patch of trees they were passing to the left of them. A sound that made her jump and turn around.

"Did you hear that?" she asked Greyworm.

"No My Queen. Hear what?"

"There was.." but it was silent now. She had just been imagining it.

"We must keep moving."

Again she heard the sound and suddenly knew it for what it was. A baby. I can hear a baby crying in those trees.

"There," she grasped Greyworm, "A child... Do you hear it?"

"No My Queen!"

"Some one has to save it!"

She fled suddenly, breaking out of the perfect formation of the Unsullied. Greyworm was close behind warning her, begging her to fall back in.

"Be careful for deceptions, My Queen."

"But it is so near!" Dany slipped in the snow and drove herself on. "Greyworm keep near to me."

He followed diligently, and somewhere inside her gut she felt guilty but the baby sounded desperate, probably freezing! The snow grew deep and she felt it tumble into the cracks of the armor, but still pushed through, until finally she broke into the trees and saw a blanket writhing on top of a log pile.

From White Harbour to Winterfell and Beyond. GoT Season 8 retoldWhere stories live. Discover now