chapter 5: beautiful dream

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( SONG: Unlike Pluto - Fade All My Life ,not mine)

i stand in a two row of trees that are huge , wearing my pajamas

their leaves are colored of redness and orangeness

its autumn ,i reached my hand to the falling autumn leave it landed on my hand

i looked at it .

it looks so beautiful....

i placed it in the ground where all of the fallen autumn leaves are .

when i looked up i realized little snowflakes are falling slowly .i gasp at the sight of seeing them

i never seen a snowflake in real life....

one of the snow flake landed on my nose , it melted

i stick out my tongue out like a dog from the sight of seeing snow when i look at the row of trees all of their beautiful autumn leaves are gone , all that are left is a the tree is now covered with snow that make it dead but.. it looks peacefull

i close my eyes a bit

and open them its spring .. i looked at the blue sky with the peaceful looking clouds

when i look at the trees their leaves are back , but their green it looks beautiful is it spring

all the snow are gone around the area and the trees all that are left are a beautiful greeness

i smiled ..this is beautiful , i close my eyes once again thinking what kind of season is next i hope summer

i opened my eyes again

...snow ?

i looked around everything is snow like last time ...... but when i look at my back

a storm of darkness are coming at me . knocking all of the trees away

i started running , running for my life when i turned around the storm of darkness seems to be lead by .....the same one the same shadow that haunted me in my nightmares , i ran and ran as fast as i could but it keeps coming near , i tripped on the rock as the shadow get nears to me it pounces me when it landed on me

everything was dark now ......

----dream ended----

i jumped up from my bed , i look around i take my phone and read the time

12:00 PM

dang....i only slept around 10:00 PM

i layed down in my bed looking up..

that was a

beautiful dream

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